Good Luck

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I throw my papers in my bookbag before walking into the kitchen to grab some toast. Hawks grabbed my bag over the weened one day during his patrol. I don't know how he did it, but I decided not to ask.

"You know you don't have to go to class today. You can just stay here in the apartment and wait until I can explain the whole situation to your teacher after I finish my patrol today." Hawks rushes into the kitchen after me. He's already in his hero costume and I'm in my school uniform. Ethan left pretty early today, but apparently Hawks was the one to take him because neither of them went to sleep last night. He hasn't explained what that was all about either but it's not like I questioned him about it anyways. Once the toast pops out of the toaster I make my way to the door.

"Even though I never want to see my classmates again, I still have to go to school." I chuckle. It's only semi true. I just don't want to face Jirou or Kirishima today. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull away from Hawks eyes to check at the notification. My eyes widen at the message.

Sero: 'Can we talk during lunch?'

I don't answer it at first. Maybe he texted the wrong person. Or it's a prank. It's like he can sense my hesitation because he quickly types the next text.

Sero:  'I promise Jirou or anybody else wont be there. You can bring Bakugou if you want, I just wanted to speak to you alone.'

"You aren't obligated to go to school you know! Look I never went to school and look how well I turned out!" Yeah that sentence doesn't sound right no matter how hard he might justify it. I would comment on how similar it is to Ethan's situation, but he is a pro hero. A smart one at that. Maybe he was just homeschooled?

"Yeah and now you're like an older and more traumatized version of me. No offense but that's not looking so great." I look back down at my phone.

me: 'okay'

"Ouch, that hurt. And once I tell Aizawa the full story on what actually happened and not their bullshit version then he'd understand your absence I'm sure of it. Just Denki. Please don't go to school today. I don't want to see you hurt and crying again. It really does become awkward when you do that." He rubs his neck.

"Aww you really sound like you do care, maybe you are a good big brother." His face brightens up after that. "But you have to understand that my grade is on the line here, I'm almost failing out of U.A. as it is. I can't afford to miss a day just because my classmates were kind of asses.

"Fine, but at least promise me this." He walks up to me.

"What?" I look at him in confusion.

"You'll stay at Bakugou's side today. He's not afraid to call someone out which I know you wont do. Which brings me to my other point, try not to talk to your other classmates. Unless it's an apology I don't want to come home and hear a thing that they've said to you today."

"You know you're really protective."

"That's what happens when you care for someone. Now let's get out of here before we're both late."

 When I walk in the classroom there's only a few students here and no Jirou. It calms my nerves a bit, but they spike back up when Kirishima and Sero walk up to me.

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