Mr Blue Sky

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It isn't dark anymore, we left the movie house on the corner of Milton and Dukes, but my visions still feels blinded. I don't really hear anything either, all of the regular chatter around me from the boys is a total blur until Reed leans forward on me and pushes my neck forward, nearly tripping me up.

"Yo Kippen, you haven't spoken yet, what's the matter got your panties all in a bunch over Tom cruise?" He teases with a grin.

"More like you were!" David exclaims from the front as our group continues to walk down Duke, David eyes a bunch of cute girls as they pass by, they giggle and one waves at him. He doesn't avert his gaze from their skirts until they are out of sight.

"Eat my shorts Davie!" Reed runs forward and ruffles his hair.

"Nah, but no duh Charlotte's' bod man." Michael whistles, and the others nod along with him.

"You guys are gross." I say half-heartedly to join the conversation. Marty, the new guy who Lester just picked up at a college party to join our squad, slightly nods, but only enough for me to see.

"Man you're just jelly that she would totally pass you." Reed replies and laughs, every detail about him is too huge. His eyes, nose, his voice and his laugh, it's exhausting focusing on him.

"Not because she is old enough to be your mom, cause I'm not hot enough, got it." I say back.

"He's got you there." Marty comments, "Shut up newbie." Lester replies like he owns him. Though in retrospect, after Reed and I Lester does have control of everyone else, kind of like a left hand man, third in command.

We continue to track down until we reach the Spoon, this little diner my sister Amber works at while she saves up for college. My parents are really proud of her, or mom was. Was, dammit TJ, not here.

Reed and a few are kicking cans at cars, receiving shouts and threats as we go, one of the guys in a corvette actual smiles and laughs like, "those youngsters."

I don't know how to really feel about my friends.

Reed stops suddenly, and it's weird because everyone knows I'm the one with the leadership letter man's jacket of 63', when coach won his tournament, he gives it to whoever he thinks is the best player. It's magic I swear because suddenly everyone just did what I said. It's a lot of power for a kid to handle, that's why it's so crucial that the right person has it, like me.

But anyway, Reed stopped us and I walk to the front like I should, even though I like the middle better. Happy medium, never too out never too in, that's what mo-

Shut up brain.

"Wo-oh-ah." Reed says pointing to a group of kids before us pronouncing each syllable. They are actually in our grade, at least I think. I see Buffy Driscol, one of the best players at our school, for a girl I mean. I know Marty has a thing for her, despite her being one of the only dark kids in the school. And her friend, Ally? Andi? She is really artsy; I think she's dating that Beck guy.

But I've never seen the dark-haired boy before, he has huge brown eyes and delicate skin, his get-up of sweaters and skinny jeans tells me everything about him though.

Although I guess I shouldn't judge people by appearance, I mean, I wear the red and yellow jacket of Grant most of the time, but also my black leather, usually just with a white T and jeans, and only converse, Reed says that girls get to pick out their shoes in the morning, real men shouldn't have too.

My hair is longer than it was when I was in middle school, another "guys" fashion, I don't mind it at my neck, not long enough to be a mullet but still in style. Heavily greased as well, but only after I read that section of The Outsiders, I wanted my hair just to like them.

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