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It isn't dark anymore; we left the movie house. And instead of everything around me being fazed out or blurry, I'm grounded. Because of Jonah walking in front of us spinning around like the guys do in the movie. Or the fact that other groups of kids from school wave at us as we go by.

But most importantly its because of Cyrus, who has taken my arm and wrapped it around his shoulders. (his are too short to be able to do it himself) Anyone passing wouldn't assume anything too strong, and by chance they did, I have about ten guys that would beat the crap out of them. Or have a "Nice talking to."

Its lovely. I don't get many chances to use that word.

Marty starts to ramble on about the fight sequences and Patrick and him start to reenact it. Despite Buffy's warnings about tripping over or landing on the road.

"You're just worried that I'll hurt your boyfriend." Patrick smiles.

"So what if I am? If you hurt him then these guys will have to clean up all your blood off the sidewalk after I'm done with you, nobody has time for that." Buffy replies back.

"I still think it would have been easier if they actually started running the second they saw the thing, not stare at it until it kills one of you. And even then they still didn't run!" Cyrus says, possibly to change the subject.

Jason lets out a perfect long whistle, "the movie master is at it again. I swear how did Kippen even find you if your inside with movie trivia all day, Cy-guy?"

Cyrus shrugs, "I get around, it isn't that hard to find you type of boys anyway; you're always moping around somewhere, either about your love life or some sports game."

Andi laughs, "He's not wrong J." She pokes his pink cheeks.

"If someone knows how to get Jason to shut up..." Patrick says quietly and slyly fist bumps Cyrus.

We keep walking until we spot The Spoon a block away. Cyrus's hand slides into mine securely and I soften up the touch. Nobody around here cares anymore. They know our group hangs around here, the tough basketball kids, TJ Kippen and his boyfriend.

I hang back a second to wave at the car of girls driving by. "Always a ladies man." Cyrus mutters.

I grin and squeeze his hand. "You know I'm your man, Baby."

My boyfriend tries to hide his smile, failing miserably. "Yeah, yeah. Come on, the others are going to take the good tables." And he drags me along, trying to reach the others who are nearly at the door.

"Hey, look." I point out at them. Andi laughing with my teammates, her arms around Jason. Walker showing his art to Marty, Amber greeting all of them with a hug, despite the coffee pot in her hands, and they all take it gratefully (the hug that is) "Do you see what I see?" I look to him, at Cyrus with his impossible doe eyes and warm hands and soft hair. His smart brain and his big, golden heart. 

"What do you see?" He asks me softly.

I know its daytime and by some sort of thing with the sunlight you can't see the real ones but,

I kiss him on the lips, quickly and softly, and it alights me. "I see stars."

A/N ROLL THE CREDITS! CUE THE CONFETTI CANONS AND ALL THE SHIPS KISS ONE MORE TIME AS THE SCREEN FADES TO BLACK! We did it guys, girls and non binary pals! That's all for I see stars! (yaaay!) There will be one more Tyrus story and then I think something different (oooh).

Thank you so much for reading this sunflower, your votes and comments and love make my day, and it inspires me to help give these boys more lives to live, more times to say I love you and hold hands and be happy. So thank you <3

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