Danger zone

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A/N so theres gonna be two parts to this, so just hang tight after I publish this one, part 2 may take a little longer: studying, assessments, school, books

Its Tuesday afternoon when Cyrus gets the phone call. We're cuddling on the couch at his place, Cy's parents invited us for dinner again, watching old movies when Cyrus gets the phone call.

My arms wrap around my boyfriends as he sits in my lap, staring both intently at the screen but every so often at my lips. I move in to kiss him as the shrill ringing goes off. I groan a little as Cyrus laughs and stands up to go get it from the desk.

"Hello?" He asks, its silent for a few seconds as the person on the other line responds, I drum my fingers on my lap.

"Who is it?" I ask from the couch, but Cyrus has gone deathly quiet. "Cy? You okay?" I turn my head to look at him and see that his face has gone ghostly pale along with his silence. That can't be good. I jump off the couch and catch the phone just in time as Cyrus drops it.

"Listen up I don't know who the hell you are, but you better hang up right now!" I shout into it so loudly I can hear it echo back at me. There are snickers on the other line.

"Oh look Tgay is here to defend his ***g*t boy toy." I know that voice.

"Reed? How the hell did you get this number?" I try to remain calm but I can feel the anger beginning to boil inside of me. I look over to Cyrus who is watching me with fearful eyes, I take my free hand in his and start to trace my thumb over it. Possibly too quickly as well, because this calms neither of us down.

"Oh! You don't remember Marty's kegger?" More laughing, "Cyrus was having such fun with us! It's a shame he had to go home early, and we were just messing around when we saw this card on the floor-" My blood turns icy and my grip on Cyrus becomes tenser, "-and we thought, why not give the homo a little phone call?"

With herculean strength I manage to mutter, "You.. are sick."

"No." Replies Reed, "You two are. And we're gonna make sure you get all the treatment you need Tgay. You can't run from us, and your boyfriend definitely can't. Not even with a knife after him. Have fun burning in hell ***s." Then the line goes dead.

"TJ?" Cyrus mumbles quietly after a few seconds, I can still hear ringing in my ears. Loud, piercing ringing. "TJ?"

I don't look at him in the eyes, I can't. This is my fault, all of it. I've hurt him too many times. "Yeah Cy?" I swallow.

"What are we going to do?" More ringing. I don't have an answer for him. "TJ... What are we going to do?"

The ringing doesn't stop.

On Wednesday Morning I'm out the front of Cyrus's house at 5 am. I called Buffy, who told Andi, who told Jonah and Walker (who were obviously in the same place) and we all agreed that Cyrus was the number one priority until we know there is no more danger. Walker and Jonah said that they would try and talk to Marty and make sure the school is safe before the rest of us walked in, with our minds only on protecting Cyrus.

But Andi also asked if I'm okay, and I realized that I hadn't really stopped to think about how all of this made me feel.

It makes me feel guilty and responsible, and I want to throw up and cry or punch Reed in his too large face all at once. But I don't think any of the others get that.

Anyway, I shiver in my new letter man due to the lack of sunlight and cooling temperature as we approach Winter, and slowly start making my way to the side of the house where Cyrus's room is. I kick one leg over his family's water tank after straggling over the garden hedge, I jump and grab the bars to his windowsill and climb through, its open just enough for me to squeeze in, but still blocks the wind and leaves it unsuspected.

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