Danger zone - reprise -

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Out along the edges
Always where I burn to be
The further on the edge -
Danger Zone (Kenny Loggins)

My feet fly across the floor, even if I have no real idea where I am going. But then another scream echo's down the hall. Then I hear a "TJ!" and I know exactly where they are.

I push open the cafeteria doors swiftly and nearly run right into a table. The sight in front of my tugs at my stomach, I don't think I'm going to be sick, but I put my hand over my mouth just in case. Reed has Cyrus dangling over one of the tables, his too long hands around his neck. Andi is being held back by David, who seems to be way to close for comfort, when I enter everybody freezes and Reed sneers.

"What'd I tell you boys? I knew the *** couldn't keep away. He's in love!" He fake swoons and Cyrus nearly topples forward onto the hard caf floor.

"Let him go." I say, my voice hardened. The others actually laugh. I see a few of them hesitate, some barely smile at all. And I know that none of this has to happen. They don't want it to happen. It's the Jacket. It's the power.

"Or what Tgay?" Reed challenges, "it's not like you'll be able to throw a punch without hurting your precious boyfriend."

"Like he could throw a punch at all." Lester says from behind and shoves me into a table, it hits me right in the gut and I fall onto the floor. Lester keeps kicking me. And I guess a few of them thought it would be fun because they join in. Hard basketball sneakers strike my chest, my back, my head. I curl up into a ball. I have room in my head for three things.

One: Reeds chanting, or more so yelling with orders

Two: Cyrus yelling my name hoarsely, and the sound of tears in his throat

Three: Lester's shoe in my stomach.

And suddenly four: my hands curled into a firm fist.

I manage to shove Lester and the others off of me, in enough time to wobblily stand up. My hand clutches my stomach, despite the bruises already forming, I take one good look at Reed and stand up straight.

"Maybe you didn't hear me. I asked you to let Cyrus go." I say coldly.

Reed cackles, "oh look at this big strong man. Take one more step forward and the *** gets it."

I hesitate, then start walking towards him. Reed smiles like this was his plan all along, then he very carefully pulls out a flick knife from his back pocket and holds it an inch away from Cyrus's face. "I warned you." He sneers. Cyrus's eyes are so small and my fear is so large.

Then Cyrus does something I would never imagine he would do, but I guess this isn't his first rodeo. Anyway. He bites down on Reeds hand strangled around his neck. Hard.

Reed yelps in pain and let's go immediately, Cyrus falls forward and smacks down on the hard floor. I hear him moan and just lay there.

I rush over to him, "Yo Tgay! I'm not finished with you yet." Reed holds his bitten hand like a vampire sunk his teeth in, not a seventeen-year-old boy. "Now that you've spread your nasty germs all over me I can finally show the school what you really are-" He pauses and takes a step closer; I can smell the smoke and gum in his breath. I recoil as he finishes. "-A bunch of ugly, stupid ***s who can't do anything but burn in hell with their disgusting behaviour."

I don't think. I just jump on Reed. Using my back hand my fist and his face make quick impact. I push him into the tiles and continue to punch him, twist his hands and don't stop until I can feel the blood running out of him. Until he bleeds like pig on a hunting ground.

His knife slips out of his grip and I watch it fall to the floor. My fingers itch to touch it. I am about to before I look up and see Cyrus on the floor next to me. He has managed to sit up and lean against a table, but his eye is swollen and there are tears down his face. He looks like he's seen a ghost. His eyes are dark and fearful. Afraid.

Of me.

I get up from Reed immediately and look down at his sorry excuse of a body. I'm pretty sure that arm won't be playing basketball for a while. I look around. Everyone else has left, except Andi and one of the jocks, he's helping her up and apologizing like he just caused a nuclear explosion.

"TJ?" Cyrus asks in a small voice. I look up and swallow. Cyrus reaches up and touches my cheek. His finger is suddenly covered with blood, I pull his hand into mine and swallow again.

Then I start to cry.

I bawl and Cyrus pulls me forward and I get his dirty sweater covered in tears. Cyrus runs his hands down my back. Reed must have gotten up and left without a word. Andi and Jason- I think his name is - stays back but also silent. I lift my head and press my salty lips to Cyrus's neck, burying my head in the crook of his neck.

"It's okay TJ." He says gently, and I don't think I just focus on breathing and Cyrus's hands. "It's okay, sweetheart. Sweetheart. You're feeling. It's okay to feel, darling."

I don't know when I stop crying, or when I start blabbering off apologize like Jason or when Metcalf files my suspension (three days for violence but also because I'm injured).

Me and Cyrus walk home, or we both lean on each other from our lack of strength back to my house. We collapse on my bed and our hands are delicate. Our lips are soft. Our hearts are gentle.

"I'm sorry." I whisper hoarsely, if there were any more tears left for me to shed I would have started bawling aging.

Cyrus takes my hand and presses my knuckles to his lips. Some of them are split from the punching, but Cyrus's butterfly lips don't sting at all. "It's not your fault, sweetheart." He keeps using his pet name for me to calm me down. "You made a difference today. That's what counts."

"I could have hurt you." I say.

"I'm still here aren't I? You could never hurt me TJ. Here-" He pushed my palm against his heart, "-that heart beats for you. It always will."

There's a lump in my throat. "I love you." I choke out.

Cyrus kisses my forehead. "I love you too."

And I lay there with my face to Cyrus's chest, feeling his warmth and his heart, which beats for me. And I must be starting to drift off because next thing I know Cyrus has pulled a blanket over the two of us and slowing singing a lullaby until I really do fall asleep. 

A/N YAY new chapter, we stan the fluffy boyfriends. This has about four-ish chapters left but I have a really exciting NEW project for you guys after!

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