Total Eclipse of the Heart

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Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks - Bonnie Tyler "Total Eclipse of the heart"

One week later I'm on the phone with Cyrus on the other line, my fingers ravel and unravel the cord, "Hey Cy how did you even get my number in the first place?"

Its silent for a second but I can here Cyrus sipping on his daily smoothie his mom makes for him, "oh Buffy gave it to me, she said she got in from Kira who had it from iris who was friends with Amber. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering," I say to the ceiling then my eyes travel along to the clock its already ten to six. "Hey Cy, I love talking to you and all but I gotta motor if I want to get ready for this party tonight, Marty's hosting one and he's one of the only guys who still digs me."

"Oh I heard Buffy's going as well.... Hey TJ?"


"Could I go? And I get that you think it might not be tough enough for me but believe me I've build tough skin and I think since you'll be going and you're my boyfriend and all and just yeah, can I come?"

I hesitate for a second, truth is I don't want to get Cyrus into trouble with his parents and I don't want him to get hurt. Call me a protective boyfriend all you want; I care about him.

"I don't know Underdog...." I say unsure of myself.

But then Cyrus hooks me in with: "We can make it a date, and you could meet my parents beforehand... Please T?" I can practically see the puppy eyes.

I exhale, "...okay fine Cyrus, but I'm not drinking and you have to stay by my side the whole time, I'm not letting anything happen to you."

"Yes! Uh I mean of course TJ; this is so exciting! Thank you." Cyrus exclaims on the other line; I can't help but smile at the sound of his happiness. "So what time will you pick me up?"

"Does seven sound good to you?" I ask, already blushing from getting to take Cy on another date, of course it will be in public, but I'll still get to see him, and possibly hold his hand or feel his lips on mine.

"Seven sounds great Teej, I can't wait." Cyrus says to break me out of my chance, my heart is hammering way to loud in my chest, and all I can think about is Cyrus. That's all my brain has room for.

But whatever its not a big deal.

"Okay, I can't wait either Underdog, I'll see you soon." I reply, holding back from saying anything else, anything else would be too much.

"Oh and TJ? I really, really like you. I hope you know that." Cyrus breathes and my stomach does some gymnastics that I don't plan on telling anyone about.

"I really, really like you too Cyrus." I repeat in an instant, like a reflex.

My hand twitches ever so slightly as I knock on the Door to the Goodman's house. It's a two story butter yellow thing, and I couldn't be less surprised when I first saw it. It fits Cyrus so well.

Mr Goodman answers the door as if on cue, wearing a suit sans tie, but looking both tired and aces at the same time. "Ah TJ, you're Cyrus's friend I presume?"

I hesitate, "Uh yes sir! TJ Kippen. It's a pleasure meeting you." I extend my hand out and he shakes it twice with a firm grip. I hope my hands aren't sweaty.

I'm lead to the living room, a blue couch matches the rest of the polished new furniture, some yellow and white flowers sit in a blue vase and I can see a dark wood desk sitting by itself in the corner, overflowing with papers.

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