Lunchbox friends

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The next day I walk into pure chaos at school, and I'm not even inside yet.

Maybe it's just because I am looking at Reed, who is wearing the jacket, my jacket. And he has his chest puffed out and is engaged in telling a story, probably of how I was too wimp to carry the team so I gave it to him.

I walk to go up to them, trying to stay invisible in my black leather jacket and jeans. My hair back in its gelled and greased demeanor.

Some kid with curly hair is immediately pushed against me, nearly knocking me back onto the parking lot, he topples over and so do his books.

"Hey, are you oka-" I go to ask, but then I see Lester looking at me with a sickening grin and I know what is happening; the jackets power I don't have it anymore, and that only means one thing. All hail to kill a mockery.

"Thanks." Says the teen after he stands himself back up, I recognize him quickly; Walker, the artistic one, of course Lester wants to pick on him. Isn't our school just so progressive.

"Uh, no problem man." I breathe and watch him walk away in the direction of his friend group.

Then I see him again, Cyrus. Of course it's Cyrus.

They are up ahead, all of them; Andi, Buffy, Beck and him. Cyrus immediately goes to check on Walker, who looks like he is reassuring them that he's fine, although he'll have a skinned knee for a while. Then Andi starts talking to all of them, and I see Beck put both his arms around her neck, covered in charms.

Then Cyrus spots me.

And it's that, "I know you feeling" again that makes my heart swell and beat faster than it ever has, even when I'm playing basketball.

Cyrus gives a little wave and mouths "hi" to me. I feel my cheeks redden as I reply. When did I become so smitten with this boy?

And now he's coming over, to talk to me, probably a totally chillax conversation about the weather, or a savvy comic. But it still makes my heart go haywire.

No sweaters today, just a yellow T, high waist jeans and the sneakers from yesterday. And he looks perfect. Of course he does.

"Hey TJ." Cyrus has both his arms tugging on his back nervously, and I realize for the first time that I might be too intimidating, because not only am I at least three feet taller than him (give or take, I don't know imperial) but also everything about me shouts, "bad guy" from my jacket to hair.

So I try to smooth it back a little bit, back to when it was fluffier yesterday, of course that doesn't work.

Cyrus points at my head, "what happened to the long fluffy hair?"

"Oh, yeah, um my hair is usually like this, although I like the fluffy hair as well, it's just I had time to do it this morning, and I wanted to dress to impress because some stuff is going down and now I have to look even tougher and.." Did I mention that I ramble when I'm nervous?

Cyrus laughs, "Who are you trying to impress?"


"My basketball friends, I uh, had to hand in my captain-ship." I manage to say, Cyrus looks at my lack of Letterman jacket.

"I thought it was weird that you weren't wearing it and Reed was, it's not right. You earned that, and you were it with pride, like a cute puppy all happy of your leadership." Then he realizes what he said. "So-sorry, I shouldn't hav-"

Now it's my turn to laugh, "no, no, you're right, I am a little arrogant." I try to cool my cheeks but failing miserably.

Cyrus hums, "not arrogant, just.. proud." And that makes me smile, "thanks underdog."

I See Stars; TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now