My boyfriends back

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*Sexual references* (no calm down its not going to be like that, kind of) ((this is still PG-13 people)) (((Lord forgive me for what I have created))) ((((Oh my God))))

He's been gone for such a long time.
Now he's back and things will be fine.
- The Raveonettes "My Boyfriends back"

I'm sitting on my bed, back to the blankets listening to a mix of Queen and AC/DC from my Walkman headphones. It's my second day of suspension, and its quiet. But I don't seem to really mind the quiet. I guess after being in the wrong kind of loud and the deathly kind of silence, it's nice to remember what peace can really feel like.

Dad wasn't even that furious or mad when I told him the news. He actually blamed himself and said he should have taught me how to throw a proper punch. That and also maybe don't beat up kids in the school cafeteria, that's probably a bad thing.

But my cuts and bruises are starting to heal, and I slept like a log yesterday. The only thing that is a negative in this is that I can't see Cyrus. I would figure that his parents probably don't want him around me anymore. Which is totally respectable, but I just wish I could kiss him one more time without their disapproving eyes, to hold him without worrying whether this be the last time.

I just wish.

And as if it were magic, a stone hits the side of my widow, missing the actual glass by an inch. Then another one hits it dead center as I'm taking my Walkman's off. I rush over to the window and see Cyrus, carrying his bag self-consciously over his shoulder, pegging another rock at the window. He stops when he sees me.

"Underdog!" I exclaim happily. Cyrus grins back.

"Oh good, I thought I was going to have to break in. You weren't answering the door." He sighs with relief and I laugh. Then Cyrus puts on a British accent and cries out, "oh sweet Juliet...can I come in? It's getting cold out here."

I giggle, "Let me just drop my hair down for you to climb up," then I poke my head out the window sideways. Cyrus smiles brighter and makes his way down the door.

I rush downstairs and slide across to the front to unlatch door. When I open it, Cyrus greets me with an immediate hug, pulling me in tightly. Without hesitation I hug him back. He is cold from the winter weather, put warms up pretty quickly in my arms.

"I missed you." I say softly, resting my head on his hair.

"I missed you too, sweetheart." Cyrus replies, he moves to kiss me on the lips. I blush as his lips trace mine. "And I brought you something too."

He reaches into his bag and pulls out a new copy of the outsiders. I take it into my hands, "Cyrus, you got me another copy? Oh my god! Thank you!" I say too loudly and wrap my arms around him once again.

"You're welcome Teej, I thought you might need something to do while you're stuck here by yourself." Cyrus replies, slightly muffled due to his face in my chest.

"Well I'm not alone now am I?" I say while pulling away. "Not that I'm complaining." I take his hand and lead my boyfriend through the empty house. "Do you want to eat? Or watch another movie? Or eat and watch another movie? Or we could just cuddle on the couch. With kissing. Preferably with kissing. But its totally your call. What if we ate and watched a movie while cuddling?" I ramble on. Cyrus is probably breaking his parents rules, and walked in the cold all the way over here just to see me. I have to make sure it's worth while.

Then he stops, pulls me towards him and kisses me fiercely. With passion and longing and like it's been a million years, not two days. "Or this." I mumble before smashing my lips back onto Cyrus's. He tastes like chocolate chip muffin, which isn't surprising or a complaint.

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