Big Fun, Big Hearts & Stars

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"So he just sat in that bed, with three other gross old people I might add, for years not working and then suddenly: 'Going back to a chocolate factory? Better magically be able to dance again!' It's ridiculous." I gesture to the TV where Grandpa Jo is suddenly the most able-bodied person in the world.

Cyrus laughs. We're sitting on the couch at my place, Cy laying horizontal with his head in my lap and me running my fingers through his hair.

"I don't know why you're complainin' about every little detail Teej, its a kids movie, there's suppose to be whimsical and wicked, not detail and nerdy calculations of probability." Cyrus then turns so he looks up at me, "but you're right, Grandpa Joe is a pretty twisted, useless old guy. Now shush, the good stuffs about to start."

I lean back on the couch, but stay silent to his word as the movie goes on. My hands start making tiny braids (that unwind the second I let go due to Cyrus's short hair).

I hear loud footsteps coming down the stairs as my Father heads out for his weekend away at work. He knows about us, and probably doesn't even care how loving we are in this house, but that doesn't stop Cyrus from sitting up fast as a lick and us both swiveling our heads.

"I'm gonna head out now TJ. You best behavior your selves. Call me if there's any issues and there should be enough food in the fridge, if not get Amber to bring some more from work. Bye." His hand is at the door, "oh and Cyrus, make sure this one doesn't get into any more fights, I don't think the rest of the family can take much more of him moping around wishing he was with you."

Cyrus nods, "yessir." Then they both grin at each other as heat rises to my ears. And then my Father is out the door.

"'Moping around around wishing I was with you?'" Cyrus teases, "what would that be like? 'Oh Cyrus! My heart cannot bare to stand another second in this house without your luscious being! I shall surely not live to see another day without you my love! Let me lie here and wallow in AC/DC songs!'" He exclaims throwing himself backwards on the couch in a fit of giggles.

I throw a pillow at him, "You're suppose to be on my side!"

He sits up, "I am on your side," then he presses on hand to my chest and leans in closer, probably not good if my sudden burst heart-rate excels out of my chest.

"Thelonious?" He whispers, suddenly very confident. I can feel his breath on mine, his face less than an inch away from mine.

I swallow, which seems to be the only thing I can control right now, (see racing heart and flamed cheeks) "y-yeah?" (see also stuttering)

"You not being at school drove me wild. But I would never... wallow away to AC/DC." Then he collapses back onto the pillows, smiling.

I try not to cross my arms like a five year old, "Thats not fair, you know using my name is my weakness." Which is true, ever since Cyrus found out what it was, (Amber told him while I wasn't in the room, figures) he only used it to get me flustered.

"Oh is it?" He replies teasingly, hands behind his head.

"It is...Baby."  I practically jump on him, my legs on either side of his lower stomach, hands holding onto his belt buckle. Cyrus stares up at me suddenly red faced and I lean down.

And smack him with another pillow.

Laughing, I grab Cyrus's shirt and smash our lips together, "how about we call it a tie for today, Love?"

He raises an eyebrow, "that works for me, Sweetheart." And kisses me again.

We've completely forgotten about the movie. My hands are around his waist and Cyrus is gripping my hair as our lips trace the others. Our hands fine each other and lace together. No sweaters or leather jackets today, both of us have stayed indoors with the heater on for two long for that, so instead I start undoing Cyrus's shirt buttons as he continues to kiss me. His chest is warm and slightly pink, I let him lift up my own.

I See Stars; TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now