Star Struck

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Plastic don't shine, glitter don't shine, rhinestones don't shine the way you do. - I see stars (mean girls the musical)

I flop back down on my bed the moment I get home, my head spinning and causing an awful headache. All I want to do is smoke a pack of camels or stuff chocolate cake down my throat until I pass out, but I know my stomach wouldn't be able to hold any of that down.

Amber's working a late shift, so there's no point in making a fancy dinner anyway, I shuffle along down the stairs and into the living room, I can feel the bruises forming on my arms and fist where Reed hit me in the rumble. Add that to an already taxed body and I was feeling something terrible.

But a little skin fight never hurt anyone, so I can't seem to imagine why I was feeling this way.

When I put Beetlejuice into the VHS I realized; I miss Cyrus.

I recall Buffy's long winded speech about how Cyrus likes me and I better not break his heart blah, blah, blah. She was speaking so fast that I couldn't get in that I liked him way more than he probably liked me. I don't deserve Cyrus, at least Buffy saw that.

I don't think I'm going to break his heart any time soon.

I hear the phone start ringing from the kitchen line, after a few seconds of groaning (can't they see I'm mopping over here about my love life?) I stand up to go get it. I don't recognize the number but I pick it up anyway.


"TJ!" Cyrus exclaims happily from the other line.

My smile grows wider as I grip tighter onto the phone line, like its gonna bring Cyrus right here.

"TJ?" Cyrus repeats and I realize I've been silent for way to long.

"I'm here! I'm here Cyrus." I say too loudly. I can feel Cyrus smiling on the other line, I can't blame him; my cheeks are already beginning to brighten. "Hey how is everything?"

The line is dead for a second. "Everyone is good. Well I mean alive, Jonah's leg is out and he's still in hospital, Andi and I saw him right before his casting and surgery to stitch him up. He was actually fine with it, doesn't even blame you but..."

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, I understand how close this is to you." I reassure him.

Cyrus breathes deeply, "yeah no sorry, I was just.... Can I see you?"

The question doesn't surprise me, but still makes my heart thump a little faster.

Cyrus groans on the other line, "Sorry sorry! Gosh that was not cool of me. Sorry, I'll hang up now, it just blurted out, sorry."

I laugh a little, "no-no Cy, its fine, actually its perfect timing, I need to see you as well."

"Oh, oh." Cyrus repeats, "yeah, cool. Um, does the Swings sound good? I know its late and stuff..."

I smile even though he can't see me. If only he knew how cute he was. "I'll be there in five minuets, maybe ten."

"Okay, great. Cool. Savvy, ace." Cyrus spirals.

"Cy-" I say to him, but he cuts me off. "I get it I know, be cooler, sorry, gosh I should stop apologizing. Sorry. Urg. I'm not cool." I can see him face-palming.

"No I was going to say you're adorable." I respond, "see you soon cutie." Then I hang up the phone on the wall and collapse on the ground. Holy cow I just said that. I clench my heart, god.

What would I even wear? I mean I'm pretty sure we both have the same idea in mind. But what if we don't? I don't want to show up in a suit or tie if he's just going to tell me about Jonah.

So instead I just wear what I have on and put slightly less gel in my hair. It's not like we're going on a date.

God Cyrus and I on a date.

Pushing any of those thoughts out of my mind I grab my keys and sprint out the door.

When I arrive at the park its completely silent. Except for a few cicadas the only other sound I can hear is the soft squeaking of a swing.

I watch as Cyrus's silhouette pushes back into the air before releasing and letting him launch forward. My heart pining softly for him from a distance.

But then I remember that there is no reason to be this far away any more. There is no reason to have my guard up. There is no tough TJ Kippen, no straight one that is.

I approach the other swing set and sit down on it gingerly. Cyrus doesn't turn around but smiles softly.

"I told you why I love this place so much," he begins and I nod, hung on his words. "It's just so beautiful, and such a safe haven. I never told anyone about this, not even Andi or Buffy. Or Jonah. I told you TJ, I told you because I see something there, I see the most amazing, brave, handsome person and I want him to be apart of my life, more than the others. More than the others. I see that." He pushes off again.

"Sorry if this is weird I just needed you to know that. I've uh, never done this before."

I swallow, "taken anyone out here?"

"No, well yeah, but also never talked to anyone like this before. TJ... I really, really like you." Cyrus turns to look at me with his vulnerable eyes. I hear Buffy's voice in my head saying don't hurt him. "And I thought that... After you kissed me.... twice.. that you could..."

Yeah I'm not hurting him ever.

"Cyrus, look at me. I really, really, really like you too. And yeah, I think I want to be...whatever you want. Because I would do anything for you Cyrus, you are truly brighter than any star."

Cyrus smiles widely but tries to play it off, failing miserably, "well there might be one thing that is more beautiful than stars." And I was going to reply with "you", but that was before he took my hand and all words left my mouth, shivers ran up my arm.

When Cyrus leans in and kisses me once more, that sets my heart on fire. All I can do is tilt his head back and passionately kiss him back.

And we're delicate and careful, we don't rush into anything. Instead we are safe in the cover of night, my hand linked with Cyrus's gripping it tightly and my lips on his, he smelled like dollar perfume and freshly baked muffins. That is one thing I'll never forget, that's the only thing my brain will let me remember, because the rest is stuck on Cyrus.

Cyrus kissing me. Cyrus holding my hand. Cyrus my maybe probably adorable gorgeous star-struck boyfriend.

And we stay like that forever, under the night of shining stars.

I See Stars; TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now