Chapter 1:Before He Became A Commander

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Oh, great. Another loss again at a PvP battle with my best friend in an online game. I'll never tell you what it is but it's up to you to guess. It was about 3:30pm when we started playing. After the match, the GM send us back to the main menu of the game.

"Sorry, meh dude. We're really are on the verge of victory against them but....." Via mic, I trailed off for a moment to get my water bottle next to my gaming PC. Saying a wait to my bff, I opened the bottle and drank a small amount of water. It was cool and refreshing, making my thirst to fade away. I closed the bottle and put it back near my PC.

"......I was supposed to destroy the main base but they managed to kill us both almost instantly. Aaah, what a pain." A slight disappointment in my voice escaped in my mouth. I stretched myself for a sec while I wait for his response.

"Yeah, they're really good and tough to beat. It was a sure loss to us when we matched against them. This was a 2v2 match, after all. But at least, we did our very best and gave them a hard time before they beat us." A male, teen voice of a familiar person spoke to me via mic. It was Arjay, my best friend and only friend for 7 years.

"Damn those, this is our 5th loss against them. Are we really gonna beat them? Looks like it's impossible to do that." I let out a more frustrated voice. A sigh escaped in my lips to cool myself down and I drink again from my water bottle and put it back again.

"Look, dude. If you're always thinking like that, we will never ever beat them and also the other opponents we faced or we have to face. Don't let yourself down, it's not your fault." Arjay spoke.

I always felt that I'm always guilty. I'm really like that because it looks like it's my fault, whenever I do. But when Arjay spoke up about the results or the outcome of anything, he's not angry and instead saying "It's okay" and "It's alright.". One of the reasons why he's my true friend. Doing so make myself relieved when he said that. It's like the weight on my shoulders are carried away because of him. He's like my brother to me.

There was a moment of silence before I speak, " Yeah, you're right. It's really no good when I think negatively about small things like this. What will be our reward if we win instead of fun and relief? Nothing. I know that, meh dude. You told me that many times and even now, you always got my back. I don't know what kind of repayment I gave you for what you done." I felt a teensy bit of shame running through my body. Looking at the clock, it was 5:30pm and I have to cook rice for dinner.

"It's alright, man. I don't need any repayments as long as you are happy. It's enough for me. We're best friends, right? We will stay strong." Arjay remarked. Comfort hit me like a hammer and I let out a chuckle. After some idle voice chats, I bid farewell to him and logged out of my account after. I turned off the PC and start going downstairs after closing the lights and the door of my room.

When I'm in the living room, I turned on the TV using the remote that I found laying on the sofa. It was a news channel that appeared first on the screen. The reporter droned on about an unusual activity at the Pacific Ocean as I listened while I get the small rice cooker pot and pour a half cup of rice on it from the rice bin. It was enough for one person, after all, I'm the only one here in this house.

As the reporter kept talking about the said event, I washed the rice 2 times and add another tap water on the faucet of the kitchen sink, measuring the water level using my hands. After that, I dried up the pot using a cloth for a while and put it on the rice cooker. Putting the lid and getting the cord behind the cooker, I finally connected it to the outlet and turned it on. It was my part of my usual daily routine.

I left it while it was cooking and get myself a seat to the sofa. Ever since my parents are left for abroad, I'm alone here, only to get visited by Arjay when he has a time to do so. Most of the time, it was silent, only broken by vehicles passing by and the barks of the dogs in the streets, the sound of the TV, the quiet buzzing of the fan and the sounds of the chores I did.

My parents are sending me money when I need to so I don't have any financial problems. They always sending me a lot of money which it's a bit too much for me. When I have extra money left, I put it on my savings in a form of jars and hide them in my closet of my room.

Letting out another sigh, I watched closely to the news about the unusual event happening in the Pacific waters. It quickly gets my interest when I heard that a quite massive maelstrom appeared, only accompanied by large storms, so strong that even the largest and toughest warships of any kind will simply getting sucked in, destroying them in the process.

I like warships much, especially aircraft carriers. As a result, my parents gifted me a bookshelf full of history books of anything and everything, both World Wars included. It was in my birthday last year when that happened.

I watched more closely when I heard that something appeared in the maelstrom. My eyes narrowed a bit, did the best it could to get a clearer view about the figures popping out of the maelstrom. Later, my eyes widened a bit when he said that they're shipgirls, equipped with naval guns, some are armed with torpedoes and others have aircraft decks with ranged weapons of various types in their possession for launching planes, much like a warship.

Shipgirls equipped with such weaponry? But how is that even possible?

My thoughts went back to when I asked myself if the shipgirls are real. They really are real. I can't believe they are really real but as the reporter kept rambling on about those sightings, the latter called them "Sirens" by the public, shipgirls possessing alien technology whose purpose is to destroy Azur Lane and rule the world.

I knew it. They are the enemies of Azur Lane as depicted in the game I saw on Google Play. Wait, if those Sirens are real then Azur Lane is also real, too, as an international naval organization led by the 4 naval superpowers of the world as one. Wow. Just wow.

The news depicted the event lasts for 5 mins and when I looked at the cooker, it already finished its work. I went to the cooker and pulled off the cord. The next thing I need to do is to cook one of my personal favorites, the Sinigang. Oh, yeah, it really was my favorite ever since my grandma cooked it for us in years. I learned to cook sinigang when my grandma gave me a recipe book full of Filipino cuisines. I missed the days where I cooked with my grandma. I started to cook sinigang by bringing out the ingredients and condiments needed from the fridge.

As I chopped some veggies and meat while waiting for the water to boil from the cooking pot, I reminisced some moments with my best friend. It gave me a slight boost of confidence as I believe that my sinigang will taste as good as my grandma's.

30 minutes has passed and the sinigang is done. It's enough for one person. I got a plate from the rack and put the cooked rice on it. Then, I put the sinigang I made on the bowl. After a prayer, I started eating my dinner and savor the taste of sinigang in my mouth. It's really good but not as good as my grandma's.

I continued eating for 10 minutes until the contents on the bowl and on my plate is empty. I'm thin and I'm not ashamed of it because its really my body physique ever since I was a kid. Even though I eat a lot, my body didn't change even a bit, even how many times I ate. Meh, it's okay for me.

I finished eating and I need to proceed on washing them all. It was done pretty quick, well, of course, it's only a few plates and bowls which is mine. After that, I finally get a rest on the sofa and watch some anime. I'm currently watching The Rising of The Shield Hero in English Dub.

Actually, I finished watching the whole season of it in my phone. They just added it on the anime channel as a new anime to watch. After a few episodes, it's starting to get late and I need to sleep for tomorrow's school. I looked at my watch and it says its 10:30pm.

I feel sleepy and my eyes are feeling heavy. I let out a yawn and I went into my room. When I reached the room, I sunk myself in the bed and looked at the ceiling, slowly letting the sleep embrace me as my mind went back to the news about the unusual event.

I thought to myself, "If they really were real, then it's possible that they will attack without choosing any places or countries they want. Of course, the military all around the world will respond to this. I hope this country is not the first to get attacked."

I completely shut my eyes just after that.

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