Chapter 9:The Grand Ball

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I woke up the next morning, only a bit late than usual and I need to do my daily routine. Take a bath, eat breakfast and fixing myself before I put on my uniform and cap then got out of my room. After I made coffee for myself, I went to my desk, only to find new documents there. As I inspected what's inside the document, the door opened and as usual, Enty was here.

"Good morning, Commander." She greeted.

I looked at her and gave her a smile, "Morning, too, Enty."

Enty approached me and takes a look at the document I'm holding. I took a usual sigh and closed the document after I read it. I placed it back on my desk and get my coffee to finish the remaining contents of it.

"What is it, Commander? Is it a mission or something?" Enty asked.

I answered, "No, it's just a report came from our patrol fleet covering the Pacific waters. No Siren encounters like usual."

Enty nodded, "I see. Well, nothing is wrong then?"

"Yup. Nothing is wrong." I repeated her last sentence. We both chuckled and I gave her a pat on the head. Enty got used to it and instead of getting embarrassed, she's giving me a soft smile and a blush. While we wait for the paperwork to arrive, we have some idle chats about various topics.

Last night, I admitted to myself that I'm officially in love with her. The only questions in my mind right now are this: Does she also feel the same for me? Will she accept my true feelings for her? No, no, stop thinking about it for now. I have to focus on my work until the day comes. An hour later, a new batch of paperwork from the HQ arrived. I went to the door after we heard a knock and my Japanese subordinate, Joichiro Nagumo, appeared with the paperwork given.

I mouthed a thanks to my subordinate and he handed over the paperwork to me. After that, Joichiro left. It was quite heavy but I can still handle it. Enty immediately approached me and takes the half of it.

"Thanks, Enty. I thought you're not gonna help me with this."

Enty smiled at me, "It's nothing. That's not how a secretary do if she didn't help her commander." We went at our desks with the paperwork and began working on them.

Unlike before, I couldn't help but taking glances at her while we worked. She also do the same when I'm not looking at her and I felt it everytime she does that. So this is the feeling of a person who is in love with someone. Crap, I can't fully focus on my work. Wait a sec, Enty also taking glances at me? Does that, not this again. Stop it, me. Don't think those things while you work, EJ.

Me and Enty worked in silence, only the sounds of our breathing, the buzzing of the fan, the sound of our pens scratching the paper as we wrote the paperwork and the chatter of ship girls and some vehicles passing by from outside. I noticed that my pen is running low on ink so I pulled out the drawer of my desk and luckily, I have one more bottle of ink left.

I took a sigh again, making Enty looking at me again but briefly. I refilled the pen and returned the bottle to my drawer. 1 hour has passed and a knock on the door drew our attention, "I'm gonna go and get it." Enty said.

"Yeah, sure. Thanks." I respond. Enty approaches the door and the atmosphere of the office becomes tense. I perked my head up from were I was doing and saw Enty is just standing there, her hands curled into a fist a bit.

Curious on what's going on, I stood up from my desk and went to her, only to find that the crimson kitsune, Akagi was the one Enty met. I can see why the atmosphere is that tense. Yeah, it was the Battle of Midway were she sunk Akagi in just 5 minutes.

"Akagi was expecting my Commander-sama to open the door but I was wrong." Akagi said grudgingly.

'My Commander-sama?' What is she talking about? I never belonged to anyone, even from her. I took a light gulp in my throat and the eyes of the two carriers are glaring at each other. She still holds a grudge against Enty since that battle but a moment after that, she looks at me and fixes her composure and the atmosphere became a little lighter.

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