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In Azur Lane HQ

"Sir, the patrol team led by one of Captain Earl's subordinates detected a mysterious phenomenon at the Bermuda Triangle." One of the reporters stated while working on the location.

"I see. Looks like Commander Kaanan Kjellberg found another workload for the Captain." Admiral Tuviera carved a smile on his face.

"It is true. The Mirror Seas is actually showing up on our radars. I bet that Captain Earl can handle that with his fleet." The Fleet Admiral said before drinking his coffee.

"Commander Kjellberg, reporting. We're now at the entrance of Mirror Seas in our attempt to search for more Siren activity. I'll have an update on the status soon as long as we got in." The Swedish subordinate spoke via radio.

"Proceed." The Fleet Admiral responded.

After they got into the entrance of the mysterious sea, Commander Kjellberg started a video while patrolling. The Admirals widened their eyes a bit as they witness the interior. The dark red sky, destroyed vessels scattered anywhere, flames burning even in the surface of the water and the destruction of everything in it. As the ship girls sailed more at the Mirror Seas, they encountered many Siren fleets in any directions. Kjellberg ordered the girls to attack and watches the battle unfolding. The video switched to one of the ship girls named Helena as she fought.

"Status update. We're now in the middle of a conflict and the Sirens here are many as expected." The blue haired light cruiser reported while in the battle.

Explosions occurred at the battlefield and Kjellberg's fleet became the victor after a long conflict. The girls are weary and about to leave the area when an unknown projectile zoom towards them at blindly fast speeds. They are surprised and immediately went into their formations before witnessing who attacked them. When they able to get a better view, a squadron of F4U-1D Corsair naval fighters flew out of the smoke and started strafing the fleet. Fortunately, none of them got hit and the fighters went back into the smoke.

"Was that a Corsair? How could an Eagle Union aircraft involved in a place like this?" A hot-headed, white haired sister of North Carolina named Washington barked.

"If it's a Corsair then there must be an Eagle Union ship probably trapped here." A blonde older sister, North Carolina stated.

The Swedish commander stood up on his command vessel after the attack and turns on the radio again after being called by the Admiral.

"We're alright, sir. We're seem to be in trouble again here."

"You should go back to the base immediately before getting further more injuries. Get out of there." The Admiral sternly said.

The live video is still running green as the Fleet Admiral and Admiral Tuviera watched. After getting recovered, they heard a wild screech of an eagle from the distance, making their heads turn at the smoke. When the smoke subsided, making way for the flames to show up, between them was the mysterious ship girl. Commander Kjellberg was shocked and the girls are surprised when they see......


"It's no doubt. The rumors are true." Helena furrowed her eyes sternly at the ship girl via radio.

"Sir, it's her." Admiral Tuviera said while looking at him.

The Fleet Admiral took the last sip of his coffee before giving a smirk at the live footage. "Looks like we're gonna call Captain Earl again for this one. It's really her."

The mysterious ship girl opened her eyes and emitted a devishly red color from them. The Swede's fleet stood there with fear but with a resolve as they encounter...............

Code G.

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