Chapter 7:Rescue Operation

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Guys, sorry for the wait. I was thinking about more ideas after I published one. It took time for me to do that. I hope you all understand and thank you for reading my fanfic. Again, love you all.

Midway. Yeah. It was a battle that changes the fate of the world. It's also Enterprise's one of her best battles where she sank 3 out of 4 aircraft carriers; Akagi, Kaga and Souryuu. This is also the location that the rescue mission takes place, but this time, it was the two carriers we should rescue.

Some time ago before I received the letter, while I walked my way into the office, I heard that Enterprise's elder sister, Yorktown, was already rescued by my US subordinate, Robert Dickinson and his fleet. Sometimes, I saw Enty talking with her sister in the infirmary while she was recovering.

It was nice to see them reunited after a long time. That simple sight already made me feel alone. I brushed off the thought aside in my mind and I have to deal with more paperwork.

After 2 days of planning and preparation, my flagship, Enty and her rescue team with me, as the leader of the mission, sailed off to Midway. [Spirit of Columbus] flies overhead as an extra pair of eyes for Enty.

"Keep your eyes peeled, everyone." Enty said to her team.

I used my binoculars to search for any hints that'll lead us to the carriers, scanning the whole area. We only encountered the occasional patrol fleet and the Siren presence here is light so we don't have any problems with that unless they attacked us.

I kept scanning the area until we reached the Midway waters. "Okay, guys, stop. We're now here."

My fleet looked at me for new orders. I let out a puff of air and looked at Enty, "Enty, tell the team that you all scan the area so we can find Akagi and Kaga faster."

Enty nodded and told the team what I said. I keep watch for the girls while they find the carriers until I heard the cry of [Spirit of Columbus], telling the team that he found the two. I smiled, knowing that the mission was an easy success.

The only thing I need to do is to lower the platform of my command vessel so the team can board. Using my radio, I contacted Enty, "Enty, I see that your team has recovered them. Bring them both to the command vessel, quickly."

After they stepped up the platform, Enty lugged Akagi on the deck while the other girls did the same for Kaga. I furrowed my brows in concern as I looked at the foxes and after I called the stretchers, I hurried to their side.

"Thanks, Enty," I brushed her head with my hand as an usual compliment. Enty is blushed a bit and soon, several crew members on the command vessel brought over stretchers. "Here, I'll help you get her onto the stretcher." The two of us carefully laid Akagi on the stretcher, and after she was safely placed there, I turned towards the other stretcher and helped to get Kaga on it.

"Alright, bring them inside!" As the two carriers were brought inside, I let out a sigh and turned my head towards Enty, smiling softly. "I wanna thank you again, Enty. For coming with me to this mission. It really was nice."

Enty nodded her head, doing her best to smile in return. "It wasn't any problem, I wanted to be at your side for this, Commander. To ensure your victory."

I gave her a headpat again. My mind suddenly struck an idea for me. "Why don't you ask her for a date? Or about walking together? That would be good." Here it is again. The voice in my head returned as it teased me again.

I ignored that but Enty was waving her hand in front of my face, "Commander, is everything alright?".

I regained my focus for a few seconds and shook my head. "Oh, uhm, yeah. I'm fine." I let out a smile again at her and she smiled back at me. But her eyes are different from her smile. She looked at me in worry. Does that mean that she wants to know what is my real problem?

I shrugged off the thought. As the two targets are secured, I ordered the command vessel to make its way back to port. The rest of Enty's team returned to the water and made their way back alongside it. After that, I let out a usual sigh and even felt a quite tired, I made my way back to my office.

About half of the paperwork is all I needed to finish this day's work. Enty arrives and notices my slight exhaustion,

"Commander, you're feeling tired. Let me finish the remaining paperwork for you."

"No, it's.........okay. I want to finish this last paperwork."

Enty stopped what I was doing and a bit worried face was formed, "Please. Don't push yourself too far. It'll be bad if you do. Take a rest, Commander."

I took a moment to decide and I nodded my head, meaning that I have to rest. As Enty was dealing with the paperwork, I turned my head towards her, "Enty?"

She looked at me, "Hm?"

I have strange feeling in my stomach when I about to ask her. I feel a bit shy at asking this question but I muster up the courage. "Can you meet up with me at my favorite spot tomorrow after work? I just wanted to have someone to talk with."

After a brief silence, Enty ended up smiling at me like usual and said, "Sure, Commander."

I smiled back at her and mouthed a thanks. I turned my head towards the library and went inside to my secret bedroom. I sunk myself in the bed and let the sleep embrace me.

Honestly, it's time to tell her my minor depression after I hid it from her for months now. There's no holding back for me. It's time to tell her that.

Because I know that she would also do the same without holding back, too.

(Author's Note:Sorry for a short chapter. I'm currently making new ideas for the next one. Also, I need some rest sometimes. Again, thank you for reading my fanfic.)

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