Chapter 12:David Vs Goliath

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Narrator's POV

Azur Lane Main HQ, same time as the Battle Of Hawaii

"Looks like Erljohn is having a bit of a problem on his first mission." The Fleet Admiral spoke with a bit concern on his voice.

"I know. That's why I told you about his naval district only receiving patrol missions often and not giving any major missions of any kind. In that situation, I believe that he can handle it, sir." Admiral Tuviera said with a determined smile.

The two superiors are inside of the Command Center Room of the HQ, watching the ongoing battle. It has superior cutting edge technology and many male and female staffs communicating with various Commanders all over the world using their computers, creating some chatters and busy typing in their keyboards. In front of them all is a large screen, live recording any battles active by sending hidden advanced drones. The battle that's currently recorded right now at the screen is Commander Erljohn Lebosada and his fleet battling against the giant Siren Kraken. Shots exchanged from both sides, it seems that they are struggling to damage the kraken and Purifier is seen laughing while watching them.

"Admiral Tuviera, are you sure that Commander Lebosada will complete his first mission? We didn't even expect that the Siren has a trick up on its sleeve." He looked at him while asking that.

"Sir, I'm not saying that he can complete it without a scratch. Erljohn is a special commander. Out of all commanders, he has the brains to strategize at any obstacles he faced and his fleet at a young age. He can improvise, adapt and overcome situations of any kind. We even accepted the fact that he can also fight with them, hence he has his own weapon and rigging right now." Admiral Tuviera explained a bit.

"That's true but what we're seeing right now is they're struggling to find any damage to the monster. He's an important piece to our organization. What if he gets perished in the fight? That would create a very big impact on his fleet's morale, especially Enterprise. From what I know from her records in past battles, she overcame PTSD and lost many closest people to her life but still fighting on despite those odds. He's the only commander Enterprise relies on fully. If her commander died in their first mission.….." The Fleet Admiral trailed off.

"She'll snap, I know, sir. But you said that we're counting on them, right? He's really determined that whatever what happens, he can make that mission a success. I put my trust in him and you should, too. That's why I recruited him here in the first place when he was a senior high student 2 years ago." He ended and took a sip on his coffee.

"I got your point. But there's no telling about the possible outcome of the battle. The only thing we need to do is watch. Watch the ongoing battle until the very end of it." Those are the last words of The Fleet Admiral.

"That's what we're doing right now, sir." Tuviera gave a small chuckle and The Fleet Admiral joined in, too, while enjoying coffee together.

Erljohn's POV

Cronosius fired another blast from his tentacle at us. We dodged the attack again but we're panting in exhaustion after all the dodging this whole time. Me and Enty simultaneously fired back with our light arrows and turns into a large squadron of F6F Hellcats. The planes scattered around the monster and began firing at it with their machine guns, cannons and rockets. The monster didn't even flinch after that attack and simply swat the planes completely.

"Tangina, after all attacks we do to that monster, it doesn't even hurt a bit. How resilient is this?" That's the first time I cursed in Tagalog.

"Do you have any plans to work out, Commander?" Enty looked at me.

"I'm trying to think of a plan to deal with this. But first I need to find it's freakin weakness." I answered while firing another shot.

The Vanguard fleet and the Artillery duo battled the monster and most of their shells, except the two, didn't inflict any damage to the monster. They're now damaged after hours of fighting. Bismarck and Georgia fired their main guns at its tentacles. They, somehow, managed to damage the tentacles and Cronosius roared in slight pain and retaliates by firing its multiple laser blasters from them. They don't have much time to dodge and about to get hit but Eugen's shields appeared in time to protect them.

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