Chapter 6:A New Mission

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Hi, guys. I finally finished this chapter and it was a long one. The longest chapter I've made yet. Hope you guys like it. Also, I thank you for making this fanfic got the #2 spot in the tag "Azur". I appreciated it much. Love you, all!!!

Enterprise's POV

Flashback to a week prior meeting the commander

After I served to numerous commanders mostly came from the US, I requested another transfer to the HQ Representative via phone. I feel like I don't really fit to any of the commanders that I've served to. To them, I was a ghost. I know that I'm strong and can take a mission or two but that's how they view about me.

As a fighting force, a tower of strength and nothing more to them. Obviously, they only know me as the Grey Ghost and also talking about my achievements in battles.

"Another transfer request, Enterprise? While we don't have a problem with moving you, it's getting
to be quite expensive. It'll be for the best if you settle on a commander soon."

I let out a sigh and gave an apology to the representative. "I know, and for that I'm sorry, sir. I just can't explain it, it's complicated. Thank you for accepting and dealing with transfer requests all the time."

"It's really no problem. Headquarters just gave me a candidate for your next assignment. This commander has actually just been recently transferred to Azur Lane from the Philippine Naval Academy about, ah, six
or so months ago. Plus, he's the youngest commander ever to be transferred."

I was surprised. I've never heard of a commander of such young age to be transferred. All of the previous commanders I've been assigned to have been American, so it was surprising the headquarters was assigning me to a Filipino commander this time. "From The Philippines?"

"Yes. He has a good record in the PNA, finished his training there in just 2 years. A remarkable record for him at such young age. Good rapport with all the ship girls under his command, and he's got a multinational fleet assigned
to him. Sound good to you, Enterprise?"

As expected, another male commander. My expression changed from surprised into a small frown of disappointment. Maybe after I get transferred and he's the same as those commanders before, I don't know if I'll request another one.

But still, I accepted the offer and the Representative told me that he'd get
all the paperwork for me to transfer. Once again, I thanked him.

About a week later, I'm now standing in front of my new commander's door. My heart is beating a bit faster due to pressure but I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I balled my hand into a fist towards door and knocked it three times. Few seconds later, the door clicks open and my eyes are widened a bit at his presence.

From all of the male commanders I've served before, he's the only one who's shorter than me. I estimated that if he stood closer, he would only reach up to my nose. His eyes were a soft and warm brown. They looked right at me. Right into my own eyes. As the light from the window illuminated his face, he smiled at me as if he's doing this to a friend. Like he didn't see me as the Grey Ghost.

The way he looked at me, he's not star-strucked, hesitated or waver. In other words, he's not intimidated at all. He extended his hand outwards and greeted me. After a moment that makes the commander confused at my hesitation, I returned the gesture and shook his hand. I'm surprised at how warm his hand was.

Unlike the other male commanders, Commander Lebosada is always the first to strike up a conversation with me. When we talked, he met me with his eyes. He never talked about the things that I did, the accomplishments or awards I received. He also called me by my name and not the war moniker "Grey Ghost".

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