Chapter 11:The First Offensive

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IT'S OVER 3000 AND STILL COUNTING!!! I'm so very happy to reached that milestone after over 2 weeks of delay.I can't thank you enough so in return, here is the new chapter before this year ends. As always, read it to your hearts content and I love you all so much. Next up, 4000 reads, let's go!!!!!

Months later

The sky is covered in black smoke, almost no light is seen above it. Most of the light source is emitted from the sea itself, covered in flames came from what it seems to be numerous destroyed vessels of any kind. Starting from destroyers to submarines until to aircraft carriers, it covered the whole sea, only to give little passage to move. Even the naval base is not safe from the destruction. That's what I saw with my very own eyes after I opened suddenly.

I let out a brief gasp of shock at the scene that I'm seeing. My uniform is ripped, exposing some of my skin as I looked down at myself. I'm shocked a little when I found myself standing at the water, giving me access to walk onto it. I even have smoke stains in my face and also in my uniform. Not even a single word came out from my mouth at what I saw.

As I looked around at the destruction, I saw a figure from afar. Curious, I went to the figure's direction and I suddenly stopped when the figure appears to be a ship girl. She was carrying a dead body of a Siren covered in its own blood and piled it with the other dead Sirens. I felt my hands trembling a little because of fear but I quietly observed the ship girl by hiding in a destroyer wreckage beside me.

"What's happening? What in the world am I seeing right now?" I asked myself, my voice almost a whisper.

The ship girl seems to be done with its "work" and when I looked again after I made a little noise that got her attention, she looked at me. Wait, do my eyes deceived me or is that........ Enterprise? But she's completely different from the Enterprise I met. Her silver hair is a bit dull in color and it's short. Her outfit is changed and wears a long scarf that waves freely at the breeze, probably the remains of her coat. The only similarity she have is her signature bow and her eyes are not lively as Enty was. They were also dull and cold but it still retained its purplish blue color. Her eagle, [Spirit Of Columbus], is also the same but only a bit wilder in appearance.

When she looked at me, I felt a chill down to my spine and I need to steel myself at her very intimidating aura. I swallowed a bit but I don't want to move a muscle here. I know that she's still Enterprise but I feel like she has a killing intent. A moment later, it was the opposite of what I expected. Enterprise closed the distance between us quickly and held my face using her hands. She feels like she can't believe at what she's seeing. Her eyes widened in realization as she opened her mouth,

"Earl? You're alive."

What the? This Enterprise knows my name. Does that mean she came from another timeline? Where I was gone? My question is instantly answered when I slowly returned her gesture with mine. A tear formed in her eye after she felt my hand holding her face.

"Enty? What happened to you?" Those words are the only ones that I formed.

Before we exchange another conversation, the surroundings around us began to disintegrate. The wreckages, the sea, the sky, all of it began to disappear. I suddenly looked at the surroundings around us and the mixed feelings of fear, anxiety, and pressure flowing through my veins. What's really happening here?

I hugged Enterprise tightly but even her began to disappear, too. Fear of losing her overcame my emotions as I screamed,


I suddenly screamed in a same manner at the moment I woke up. Sweat that covered my face ran down to my neck and below. I also breathing heavily and shakily but it became calmer slowly after a while. I wiped off the sweat and covered my forehead with my hand. After I shook my head lightly, I looked at the time and it was 3 in the morning. I took a sigh and whispered to myself,

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