Chapter 10:I Love You With All Of My Heart

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Author's Note:It's Over 1000!!!! I really thank you all for reaching that milestone. Also, I'm deeply sorry that I can't update sooner. After all of thinking ideas, here it is. I finally finished making this chapter. It's really worth it. Thank you so much for reaching 1k reads and we're almost reaching 1.5k reads. I love u all, so much. This chapter is the exchange for a long delay. Read it at your heart's content. I'll update more chapters soon.

Enterprise's POV

About 30 minutes after the ball

Oh, god. Why did I do that to him? That was so embarrassing. My cheeks are burning red when I remember what I did. I feel so embarrassed and ashamed after I kissed him and ran away like it was nothing. Oh, no. Why??? Does it make him upset? I hope he's not.

I went to my bed and sunk onto it, cheeks are still red. I can't erase it in my mind right now. I tossed and turned in my bed in embarrassment and at the same time, it also feels like...............he's responding to mine even a bit. I covered my face as I thought of that. What will be his reaction after all of this. I hope he's not angry.

"Oh, god. Why did I kiss him out of the blue after I told him to close his eyes? Stupid me, why did I do that? Come on......." I whined a bit and trying to make the blush go away. I also got my pillow and hugged it tight.

All of a sudden, silence is all I heard in my room after all the noises I made and I looked at the ceiling. I can't lie to myself. I can't deny it anymore. This feelings I have now means.......……….

I was in love with Commander Erljohn Lebosada.

Admitting it to myself after I kept it inside since I met him makes me feel relieved and at the same time, a bit worried. Why does it feel like he was special to me. Is it because of his position as a commander? No, he's special because he treated me as a person and not just a weapon. For him, I was important.

Even though he's the youngest commander that I met, I can't shake this feeling of love that I have. As they say, age doesn't matter, right? I may look like a woman in early 20s but my heart beats for him and only him. A smile formed on my face as I thought of those.

I can also think about the faces he make every time we talked everyday. His smile, his laugh, also the time when he's sad because of his problems, all of it makes me feel happy and sad, too. He's the only commander who opens himself up to others and also cares about everyone in the base, including me. Maybe that's why he's special to me. I never felt this feelings before and now it began to grow inside of me.

On the other hand, if I tell him, if I tell to the world that I love him, what will be his response? Will he reject my feelings? If so, then my feelings for him is just a waste.

No, no, don't think negatively about those. When the time comes, I'm gonna say to him that...........

I love him. I truly love him and my heart never lies about it.

I closed my eyes, letting the sleep embracing me for the rest of the night.

Erljohn's POV

It took me a moment to get back into my senses after she ran away. My finger never left my lips as it caressed it gently, remembering the feeling of her lips.

After that kiss, I had a feeling that I need more of it. The only thing I did before I go back to the base is just smiling. I shook my head, trying to forget that and started to walk back to the base.

After I changed into my night clothes, I feel a bit warmer than normal. Do I have a fever? No, it's not. I slapped myself lightly, only to no avail as my face became redder. Oh, crap, did I remember that thing again? I tried to sleep but it never came to me. I changed my sleeping position until it was comfortable but sleep really never came.

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