Chapter 3:Start Of A New Life

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2 days before my transfer into the academy, Sir Tuviera said that he will take care of the paperwork needed for the transfer, told the adviser of our class about it and for the principal, he requests for an early retirement as a teacher so he can have full-time in the HQ.

He also wants to come over to my house to tell my parents about my transfer in the afternoon. Mom and Dad are quite surprised and at the same time, worried a bit. Sir Tuviera, or rather, Admiral Tuviera, explains the situation between us and my parents are glad.

"But EJ, you're still young and you have to study even though you're gonna get transferred. I'm sure that this academy will have some study rooms or anything so you will balance that and your training. Do your best to pursue your dream. We will support you, ok?", Mom remarked.

I feel a bit embarrassed and rubbed the back of my head, laughing softly.

"Your Mom's right, son. We already know since you're young that you like warships and World War and stuff like that but you don't have to cease your studies. You're smart but that doesn't mean you know everything. You still have a lot to learn in this world. You get what I mean, EJ?", Dad said.

"Sure, Dad. I know. This is my choice, after all. Even though you two are away, you always supporting me. Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Dad." I let out a grateful voice and giving them a smile.

As they talk with Admiral Tuviera about my transfer and some idle chats, my smile faded away and the back of my mind kept telling me that is this all what I need to feel myself truly happy? I averted my gaze at the different direction as I lingered on that thought for a while until Admiral Tuviera's voice snaps me back to reality, "Erljohn, don't you wanna say goodbye to your parents?"

"Oh, right. Sorry." I said. I bid farewell to my parents, they wished me luck and say their thanks to Admiral Tuviera before they say their goodbyes.

The video chat ended and returns to the main screen of my laptop. I turned it off and put it back to my room upstairs. I got down again and sat back to the sofa where Admiral Tuviera sips into his coffee I made earlier. I waited for him to speak but he didn't so I started the conversation.

"So, it's coming near now, sir. My transfer to the academy." Admiral Tuviera looked at me and he placed the cup on the nearby table.

"I know. I chose you to join Azur Lane because you're the only capable candidate here in The Philippines." He spoke.

"Two days left. Time really flies. Maybe because of a speed up process after purchasing it with gems." Admiral Tuviera laughed and I chuckled on his joke. We have some idle chats about Azur Lane and World War stuff until it was time for him to go home.

"Anyway, I have to go. I need to prepare my lessons for tomorrow's school. Spend your last days with them without any worries or regrets, okay?" He remarked. I nodded as a response as he steps outside of my house and waved at me.

"Take care, Admiral." I said and waved back at him.

I closed the door and took a sigh. "It really was near. I should be truly prepared after my transfer. I can do this. I'll make him proud." I cheered myself and a bit of confidence flows through my body. After all of that, I returned in doing my usual routine.

I feel quite sad about my transfer because I will part with my long-time friend. I know it hurts but I must go on. After all, this is my choice in life to find my answer I was looking for. I spent my last 2 days with them in school and a day later, my time of transfer has come. I packed up my things, particularly my clothes and other personal stuff while waiting for Admiral Tuviera to arrive via car near the harbor where I seat at a nearby bench.

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