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Kaede POV

I stare at the ceiling, bored as fuck. Theres nothing to do. My phone is being used by my mom and I couldn't go outside since it was raining. I sighed and rolled to the other side. What could I do? I feel like Shuichi and Kokichi are the only ones doing the Detective work. Why do they need us in the first place anyway? After thinking those, I felt my eyelids get heavy. I haven't slept that much too because of this. I just wanted to.... I closed my eyes.


"Kaede Akamatsu" someone called my name. Huh? The voice seemed to echo. Where am I? I opened my eyes to see a white, literally white room. With nothing but my bed in it. "Who's there?" I asked. Suddenly, someone passed through the white wall in front of me. Wait.. passed through?

It was the same brown haired man but.. his attire is different. Instead of his black suit, he was wearing a white shirt with a green tie. A pretty plain thing to wear. "What.. what do you want?" One of his eyes were green, unlike the other guy from my other green, his eyes were all red. "Please.. call me..

Hajime Hinata"

Hajime... Isn't he the guy were trying to find? Is this how he looks like? "The other long haired man from your last dream is called Izuru Kamakura" take note of that name. Well, probably isn't needed since it may be either Shuichi or Kokichi knows this now.
"Izuru and I are the same. If that's what your wondering. Now please... Ask away" he smiled. Wait.. is he really just going to give out answers like that? Suspicious.

Before I got to ask or just say even a single letter, I awoken from my dream. But... I looked up and notice a girl with blonde hair, tied into pigtails, staring down at me red eyes while smiling from ear to ear.

"You really are a threat... Kaede Akamatsu"

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