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Shuichi POV

"Shuichi chill! Calm down, he isn't dead!" Kaede tried calming me down as I tried my best to get inside his room. Kaito and Maki were holding me back. Tears fell from my eyes.
"B-but.. Kokichi!" I promised to protect him. But look at him now. Lying on the bed, unconscious, inside a hospital room. I shook my head. When I finally calmed down, I was gently dropped to the ground.

2  h o u r s  l a t e r . . .

"I think I like him" I told Kaede. "Yeah.. really" she sighed, probably thinking about how I reacted at the hospital. I even kicked Kaito trying to get inside the room.
"Maybe that's why I reached like that. I don't want to see who I love die" she answered the same answer again.
"Also, they said Kokichi's fine now. He's just sleeping" she said what she heard from the doctors. I hummed.

T i m e  S k i p . . .

"So.. sidekick, do you plan on confessing to him now that he's awake?" I shook m head. "When I have the guts to"
"Come on! You should confess immediately before someone else confesses and steals your man!" Kaede told me.
"He probably doesn't even like me. There's no use in worrying about him getting together with another dude" I sighed sadly.

"Oh get out of that emo phase of yours" Maki rolled her eyes.
"Yeah! Have some hope!"
"If he's gonna break your heart, he's gonna recurve a blow to the... Head" his voice lowered when he saw me glare at him.
"The next day. I guess" I shrugged.
"... Good luck"

P r e s e n t

"Kokichi?" He turns around and look at me. I felt my heart beat faster and blush creeped on my face.
"Could we.. talk?" He nods. He walks closer to me. Once in front of me, he looks up at me with curious eyes. I blush.
"I... Uh" words can't seem to form, making it akward for me mostly ever minute.
"Spit it out" he says getting clearly annoyed by how slow I am.
"I... Like you" I whispered. I was surprised he didn't heard.
"Pardon?" Oh come on. Second times makes it even more embarrassing.
"I like you" I said a little louder. He looks at me blankly before he looks at me with a surprise face. His face filled with red blush.

"Do you like me back?" Obviously not but still, I'm still hoping that you do.
"Im sorry.. I don't like you" those words broke my heart. But it didn't lasted long before he said those tree words:

"I love you"

He says blushing madly. I was overfilled with joy. I ran up to him, grabbed his face with my both my hands and turned him around to face me before kissing his soft lips. After some time, he finally recovered from shock and kissed back.

Kokichi Ouma.
You are the reason I'm alive.
You aren't hope in this dark world.

We pulled back and I embraced him with a hug. I whispered in his ear, "Thank you"

A/N: surprisingly they still got together even with the lack of Saiouma or Oumasai in this book. Never mind that!

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