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Warning: I'm not very good at writing how the other characters act so they maybe wrong.

Kaede POV

I opened my eyes to find myself strapped into a bed. Where am I? After some minutes, I remembered what happened to me back at my house. Who was that girl? I heard some footsteps coming closer to where I am, so I closed my eyes and pretend to sleep.

"Kaede, wake up" I felt someone shook me. That voice. I opened my eyes. "Maki?" She nodded. She used he knife to cut the straps that was strapping me onto the bed. "How.. how did you guys found me?" I questioned her.
"How?" How does he know? I thought he was clueless like us.
"Luck" she shrugged. Oh right, his Ultimate. I got out of the bed and rubbed my wrist.

"Where are they?"
"Outside" I nodded. We both walked outside the weird room.
"Oh hello friends" Nagito smiled at us.
"Whatever let's get going"
"Wait, where is 'here'?" I asked.
"No time for questions" the four of us ran our way out of here. We were just following Maki since she remembers where they went.

"Now let's see... Nagito, what brick did you pressed before?" In front of us was a white colored brick wall. Nagito walked in front and pressed on a random brick. And just like those adventurous cartoons, the brick pushed backwards and the whole place started shaking.
"Shit.. that was enough to attract guards and Junko's minions" Maki mumbled. Junko? Who's that? Wait, is that the girl that brought me here in the first place?

I didn't realized I was spacing out. So Maki grabbed my arm and dragged me up the staircase. Of course I followed but nearly tripped because God she's an assassin and assassins are fast! Kaito pushed the door open and then ...

We were at the nurse's office. How did we get here?! "Lock the door! Block it with anything strong and heavy!" Kaito and Nagito pushed a closet making it fall and land in front of the door.
"That would be enough" Kaito breathed out. "Ohohoho look what the cat dragged in" in front of the door stood Mikan, the Ultimate nurse. She looked very different. "Mikan?"
"You look even more disgusting" Maki went straight to insult the poor nurse.
"That hurts" she laughs.
"I see you all are sick. How about I give you a shot?" She smiles, holding out a syringe filled with pink liquid.
"I don't want to hurt you" Maki took out her knife.

"Oh? Really? Or maybe you're just doing this so you won't upset your love?" She grinned. I saw Maki gripped her knife tighter. "Shut up!" Oh no.
"Maki calm down!"
"Calm down?! I cannot calm down when someone is teasing tbe fuck out of me!" She stomped her foot while looking at me with pure anger. The door was kicked down and Mikan was held down to the floor.

"Maki! Nagito!" Kyoko took out her handcuffs and handcuffed Mikan.
"Oh no.. I got caught" she frowns before giggling.
"Makoto! Where's Shuichi?" Maki ran up to the boy.
"I.. I don't know" he looked down.
"YOU DONT KNOW?!" Kaito yelled.
"Check the cameras! The police will be here soon" Kyoko told Makoto. He nodded and left, us following after him.

"Ah shit.. whats happening?" I asked myself. I thought this year would be normal and fun. Not intense with some kind of girl that's crazy and kidnapping.
"Excuse us please!"
"You're not allowed in here!"
"Let. us. in" Maki glared at the teacher. He jumped and moved aside. We ran and looked at the screen.
"Where is-"
"Over there!" Nagito pointed at a dorm room. Wow, he really is good. Hasn't been a second and he already found him.
"What's happening to him?" He was on the ground, pulling his hair tightly.
"We need to help him!" We all again ran out of the room.

Makoto POV

What are you two doing at her room?

We ran towards the Models' dorm room. When we got there, Shuichi wasn't outside.
"Where's Shuichi?!"
"He must've went inside"
"But how?"
"He's Invisible, he can go through walls"
"Then why the hell was he just staying over here when we CHECKED THE CAMERAS?!"
"YOU KNOW WHAT, FUCK IT!" I yelled out in rage and kicked the door open. When we saw Shuichi, we all gasped.

"H-how?" He isn't Invisible. But how? Did he found the cure.
"Ah~ Makoto!" If she's still here, I guess not. But how then?
"K-kaede!" He smiled when he saw the blonde pianist, she smiled too.
"Let go of him, Junko" Maki stepped forwards, glaring at the girl.
"Is that all you can do? Glare?" She laughed.

"Dont need with Maki!" Kaito charged forward.
"Kaito no!" When he was about to punch the girl, a bear, mostly called Monokuma, jumped in front of him and took the hit.
"Heck?!" The bear flew to the other side.
Junko's smiled when a sudden weird sound could be heard from the bear.
"W-whats that sound?" Kaede asked. The best soon charged at Kaito, his claws now shown.
"K-kaito!" I ran to the male and pushed him aside. I felt claws cut deep on my neck making me scream in pain. I felt liquid run down from the cuts.
"Ah!" Junko was pushed down into the floor by Shuichi.

Everyone's attention was on me and Kaito that Shuichi used that as an opportunity to tackle the girl to the ground. Nice going. I coughed out blood and everything went black.

Shuichi POV

"Must protect!" Another bear ran up to me but I moved aside. It ran up to me but Maki threw a knife at it. It cut it at it's neck making it explode.
"Thanks" I sighed in relief.
"What happened to Kokichi? Is he okay?!" Kaede ran up to him while Kaito went to Makoto.

Kyoko walked inside with a a pair of handcuffs. Before Junko got to stand up, she was pushed down into the ground, her arms behind her back and now is handcuffed.
"I've been wanting to do this" she laughed. "Junko Enoshima, you're arrested for kidnapping other Ultimates and having a large obssesion with despair" Kyoko said.
"Awww I've been caught" she frowned.
Kyoko looked at me and I nodded before she took Junko and left.


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