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After they are left alone, Zayn takes a deep breath, he want to say so many things, want to set so many ground rules if, 'IF' they are going to do this.

“Stop doing that" Zayn grabs Liam's knee under the table, a nervous habit of Liam, tapping his right foot continuously when he eager or isn’t anticipating.

Liam moves his leg away and looks around for distraction, refusing to be the first to talk.

Few more minutes of dreadful silence passes as the only thing that left their mouth was their coffee order. Both of them sat in silence sipping on their mugs when Zayn couldn't take it anymore.

“why do you need the money?” He asks, leaning a little back in his chair.

Liam eyes immediately shoot up at the question “Out of all the things this is what you wanna talk?”

“Why do you need money, Liam?”

“None of your fucking business" the younger boy scowls “I dont need your fake concern”

“I don’t give a fuck about you, my concern is only for Mr.Payne, does he need any help or-"

“No," he scratches the back of his neck, another habit of him Zayn is aware of, his signature move before lying “I need it for business”

“What business?”

“Still not your concern?”

“Just curious? What worse can peruse you to marry me?”

Liam grins “Marry you? No one told me it was going to be you- beside, aint it more like a contract to bare you for 6 months and then be off the hook? That's how I define this marriage"

“Then contract be it" Zayn nods, “We have to set some ground rules"

“I'll go first” Liam starts talking before Zayn can interrupt “With us? Sex is off the table!! You will not touch me, grope me or do any sort of cheap trick to get me in bed! Don’t use anger, sadness or alcohol as a reason to come close!”

And Zayn just stares him, with pure disgust, mouth opening to call a sting of foul names but again he is lost on words “What?” and that's the only thing that leaves his mouth for next 30 seconds “I hate you and no part of me will deny that but you're Mr.Payne's son- I wouldn't dare hurt you or touch you without your consent, oh and while we are at the consent part, where in the fucking hell you came up with the idea of me wanting to touch you? I can’t even look at you without feeling the urge to puke my stomach out"

And Liam is quite taken back from Zayn's words, he was expecting a handful of curses but Zayn? Instead, he sounded more hurt and less offended. So he dropped his gaze from Zayn's hateful eyes, that were slowly making him feel guilty. He started tapping his foot again, dying to say something- anything that will make Zayn stop looking at him like that.

“Whatever! I just wanted to make that clear"

Zayn's snort made him turn his eyes back on Zayn, “Alright then, with us love is off the table”

Liam arched his eyebrow in a mock “as if I will fall in love with someone like you"

“As if I will like to have sex with someone like you"

They go in a staring contest, eyes taunting each other to say something.

“You're not allowed to come in studio room?” Zayn says, still holding Liam's gaze.

“You're not allowed to tell me who I should hang out with”

“You're not allowed to accuse me for doing this for a flat! I am doing this for Olivia"

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