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As suspected Liam's day got as worst as it can get. He was late and for the first time this month, their HOD decided to show up and gave Liam an ear full for his lack of punctuality, even though Dr.Mike, his senior backed him up, he wasn't that convinced and kept a close eye on Liam.

And that caused Liam to act more stupid and clumsy than he usually is. He was given a simple task of preparing pure form of aspirin and that is something Liam has done a couple of times but this particular time, his hands were shaking as he mixed two elements in a beaker and kept it on a burner. Checking the thermometer every 2 seconds and just then his phone rings. Of course Liam forgot to put his phone on silent and that earned him a glare for his HOD again.

“Shit" he cursed, immediately declining his dad's call and he was about to put his phone on vibration mode when he got a text from his mum.

Got to rush back at Ruth's, expecting a baby anytime now’

And Liam held a deep breath, suddenly there were so many emotions that he couldn’t focus on one, he is happy, excited, nervous, scared, overwhelmed and through all these clouds of emotion a shriek of broken glass cuts his mind open. He is startled and his eyes went straight on his breaker where a blast thermometer and surfacing mercury welcomed his glare. He looked up and everyone's attention was him.

As a punishment Liam not only paid fine for the broken equipment but was also suspended for next 3 classes.

It was not like the whole hospital vibe was making him feel any better. If anything it made him more uneasy, his mind went on overdrive while thinking about how he will be the last person to see his nephew, even that stupid Zayn will get to see the baby before he does.

And Zayn!! Oh God! How much Liam hates this name! All this happened because of Zayn and Liam cant wait to have his revenge. Maybe he will burn all his clothes? Or stick a chewing gum in his hair? At least that will stop his weird habit of touching his hair! Or maybe he will burst Zayn's car tyres? Or maybe just break all the mirrors in the house? Yeah! That will definitely drive him crazy.

And more countless thoughts invades his mind by the time his shifts ends. For the icing on top the moment he stepped out of the hospital, Zayn was waiting for him.

“Do you even use your fucking phone?" Zayn asks, checking his watch again “I have been waiting here for last 20 minutes and I swear I was about to leave"

That only angered Liam because he should be the angry one not Zayn, but just out of curiosity he pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw Zayn's 15 missed calls along with 20 unread messages along with 2 calls from his mum and one from his dad.

“No one told you to wait" Liam says, trying not to raise his voice infront of the hospital “I am not coming with you anyway"

“I came here to pick you- waited for 20 minutes only for you to say you won't come with me?”

Liam just shrugs and starts walking on the footpath, ignoring Zayn voice calling his name and he is close to the bus stop when a car honks behind him, even without turning back Liam can say who it is.

“Get in the fucking car, Liam" Zayn orders, pressing his horn again “K, told me to pick you. Ruth had a boy"

“I know" Liam stands infront of the bus stop, tiptoeing on his feet as he waits for the bus.

“Liam, get in the car or else”

“Or else?” Liam asks with challenging eyes “What then?”

“I might just have to force you"

“I would love to see you try that" Liam replied, turning his head to check any sign of bus on the road.

“Nothing with you is ever easy" Zayn got out of his car and grabbed Liam arm, pulling him towards the car.

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