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(*Point out the song references for me...*)

The next morning the first thing Liam notice is Zayn's absence and that he hasn’t returned home last night. Kitchen is awfully quiet as he brews a cup of coffee, his head going and going over their last conversation and just the reminder of it is making Liam grumpy.

When the doorbell rings, Liam himself is not sure why he rushed to the door and obviously he is no idea why he is disappointed on seeing the person who greeted him.

“Good morning, Li” Olivia greets with her regular smile.

“Uh, morning. Come in”, he moves aside and allows the lady to come inside.

“I am in a rush so I can’t stop for coffee”, she giggles, smelling the aroma of coffee in the hallway, “I want you to sign this”, she shuffles around her briefcase and hands Liam a set of papers.

“Divorce papers”, Liam silently flips the papers, pretending to read them but instead his eyes are stuck on Zayn's signature that’s on every page, “He signed it?”

“Yeah”, Olivia nodded, holding out a pen for Liam.


“2 weeks back”

“So he did sign them”, Liam scoffs, still not taking Olivia's pen, “which is very weird and hilarious at the same time”

“how come?”

“Because not yesterday he was telling me how he can’t divorce me because of his newfound feelings”

“What about it?” Olivia folds her hands, defensively glaring Liam, “And what is that to you anyway? Why do you care?”

“I don’t… I just think it’s funny”

“Yeah laugh about it when I am gone. Because if you keep talking I have a feeling it’s gonna ruin our friendship because technically it’s my brother’s feelings you talking about”

Liam bites his lip, “Right. Sorry! Umm you can stop for coffee, I will be right-“

“Liam, I just told you I can’t stop for coffee. I have a hearing this morning so just please-"

“Right, I can drop you” Liam suggests, “let me just get my apron”

“So I have my car. Just sign the papers please” she offers her pen again.

Liam obediently nods, slams the papers on the coffee table and is about to sign when he looks up at Olivia, “Where is Zayn?”

“He stayed at Harry's last night”

“You met him?”

“Yeah, he told me to stop by his studio this morning- I met him like an hour ago”
“Studio?”, he looks over the wall clock and frowns, “But it’s 7:50? Why is he there so early?”

“I don’t know” She casually shrugs, “He was not alone though”

“why? Who was with him?”

“Niall” she shrugs again, impatiently bouncing on her feet, “Li, I’m really getting late. Just sign already”

“Yeah, I was just curious- I thin-“

“Talk while signing” she grunts, checking her watch, “Shit. My hearing starts in an hour”

“Well your drive from here to court is of 45 minutes, you will make it”

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