Chapter 20.

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I woke up almost forgetting that I was in a totally different room unlike my usual. I had checked the time and it was pretty early so I quickly changed and went to explore. (I totally would've gone back to sleep but no.) I quietly exited my room. The halls were like numbered for each door you saw. This was basically where the trainees stayed if they interned and had no place to sleep. I believe my father profited it to the agency so he could help his interns. I quietly went downstairs to the lobby it was still dark but no one was there if someone wanted to assassinate us Hero's they could do so. But I believe there are interns on night to early day patrol. I walked towards the other side of the lobby where I was greeted to where it was considered the offices. I slowly opened the door to see a sleeping figure on one of the office desks, and of course it was my father. His hair was messy and he looked like he barley passed out. I silently walked passed to the other desk. Still claimed to be my mothers. The name tag may have been put down same with all her belongings. It looked like no one really touches it since dust is barley being collected. As a child I always wanted my own desk in this room, but now I'd rather earn it then ask for it since I could easily ask my father and he'd give it to me. Well he'd only give me things for reason. I should've left my mothers things alone but my curiosity got the better of me. I quickly grabbed a handkerchief and pulled open her drawer. In it was not what I expected. There was so many capsules for medicine. All labeled for her. 10 tablets a bottle. If my mother took medicine I wouldn't have known it looks like she took most of them here. The sun began to rise some more and I now believed it was my cue to leave the office. I slowly placed the capsule back in the drawer and closed it. I really want to ask questions about my mother but I feel like her interns would dodge it even Chiyo was hesitant on telling me things. I left the room and sat on a couch in the lobby. Closing my eyes as a cue that my exploration of the building was now over. Soon after I was woken up with various amount of voice.
"Eh?" As I opened my eyes I saw two of the trainees arguing.
"Come on guys you need to calm down phantom- I mean D/n isn't awake yet and he would be mad if you guys made a mess!" Both the men pushed who I now realized was Chiyo.
"BUTT OUT THIS ISNT YOUR PROBLEM!" I slowly went closer but the speed of walking wouldn't have mattered everyone was invested in this argument.
"ITS GONNA BE ALL OUR PROBLEMS ONCE D/N WAKES UP!" I looked over to the offices there was now a dark aura around the door. It was now that I realized that arguments were frequent. I wanted my father to sleep some more what use would it be for me if I had a tired trainer to teach me.
I walked over towards the chaos of the mess.
"Your obnoxious yelling is bothering me can you shut it?" All three of them turned to me.
"What did you say pip squeak?" They both were infuriated.
"I said can you shut up? My father is already awake and he doesn't want to deal with your crap." Their eyes widened.
"Oh no.. YOUR ON YOUR OWN I WARNED YOU!" Everyone now ran. How scary is my father when he doesn't get enough sleep? I wouldn't know since he always wakes up before me when he's home. 
"Fuck... uhhh sorry man! Being a trainee to M/n doesn't make you weak." Did both groups of trainees not get along? That's when I heard the heavy steps of my father. I stepped aside to let my now terrifying father walk over to them.
"Just because he have different training skills then my late wife's group doesn't mean that you should have a argument about it." Both the men stood in shock I felt my phone vibrate and I opened it. It was a good morning message from Shoto. Sure I would love to see how this little quarrel would end, I wanted to check in with Shoto.
(Hopefully you know by now what they mean but one last time S for Shoto and Y for Y/n)
S:good morning y/n, how's your first day of training?
Y: we haven't trained yet;; a little fight broke out this morning and my dad is ending it now.
S: oh? At least it's getting taken care of.
Y:yeah also I found out some more stuff about my mother;; supposedly she was really rude to the interns when she didn't get her way, also she would make my dad cry a lot.
S: that sounds bad;; I'm sorry to cut this off but I need to go train now hope the rest of the day goes well.
Y:Nah it's fine go train with your father. Message you later!
I soon turned off my phone the men were pleading with my father.
"D/n please don't throw me out! You're the only one that can train me the way I need to be trained! And I have nowhere else to go!" My father gave a stern glare at the man.
"Eclipse. Your arguing with other trainees are getting out of hand. And if you can't handle change then I can't have you here." He then turned his head towards the other male. "Zian on the other hand. You shouldn't be apologizing but as punishment for yelling at Chiyo after she tried to stop this fight you will accompany accompany my daughter to the training room. Take her to which ever I'll meet you two there." He nervously got up.
"Yes, sir!" Zian soon lead me towards my fathers training room.
"I'm sorry about earlier I should've stopped immediately I knew you were sleeping in the lounge and I knew your father would be in the office..." he was acting as if he was a dog and he did something bad.
"It's alright. Do you mind if I ask you a question?" Zian lifted his head up.
"Go for it!"
"Why do most of you guys go off and on with saying office and offices? It's just one singular room." It was a silly question even I say it back and forth for no reason.
"Oh! That's because your mother had her desk there same with your father. She accidentally called it offices rather than an office." It really was a silly question what answer did I expect to get from?
"Actually most of us just say office now since well M/n is no longer with us." Zian was so awkward he acted like if he said something bad I'd report him to my dad.
"Can you tell me more? I mean about my mother.." Zian looked away as if it was more than a little secret more like a demand to not say anything. Soon enough my father walked in to the training room. "Thank you for waiting with my daughter. You may leave" Zian then bowed and bolted off. The rest of the day I spent training and getting along with the trainees. It was late and I had gotten out of the shower when Midoriya had sent a message about his location. He was in Hosu. But as I recall he wasn't gonna train at Hosu city. Even if he had switched I have an urge to go even if I'm exhausted I know I can make it in time if I try. I think he needs help. I quickly changed into my hero suit and now I was conflicted how I was to leave. That is when I looked out my window. It can give me a great path, and without thinking I sprinted out. Bracing the impact of the other buildings roof. I think I heard someone call out to me but adrenaline was now rushing through my rains. My next step was now to head to his location. "I'M COMING! DON'T WORRY MIDORIYA." Little did I know what would come my way.
(Zian's POV past)
"Wow m/n you and D/n are such a power duo! Some day I really want to be like you guys!" I admired m/n she was always a inspiration even in her worst moments.
"Yeah I guess so... keep this between us I absolutely hate d/n." Her response shocked me.
"What?!?" I quieted down. "Wait why don't you love him? He's such a caring person." I sat down.
"Well let's see I'm in love with another. It's just that certain someone is now engaged. I only married him because I was already with him." If she didn't love him then why would she be with him?
"Your probably wondering if I didn't love him why was I with him? Well it's because of his quirk. It's kinda sad for him he's so In love with me that he doesn't care about how much pain I throw at him." A smirk appeared on her lips. That's when I realized that good m/n was no more she was just an act. The one poor d/n married was no longer shown. A devil stood in its place.
"Oh right if you ever tell anyone I told you this I will murder you. Got it?" I gulped and agreed. She then left. After that I had asked why d/n married m/n and all he said was "I love her dearly. Through all the pain she can cause me I won't stop. There will always be a part of me that loves her. As long as I'm the only one she loves I'll be fine with it." I feel terrible. I can't tell him and if I did he wouldn't know who she would be in love with.  I Never knew what tragedy would be with him. We never expected how much he'd break.
Okay sorry I always update late I'll try and get two chapters out this month not including this one since this is supposed to be in October. Anyways hope you enjoyed.

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