"I love airplanes"

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A/N: hey guys so i wanted to start off with something cute that's why i chose this story😍 anyway thank you for reading, i hope you like it❤
Summary: y/n had this habit of singing songs on plane to ease her stress... how was she suppose to know that shawn mendes was sitting right across from her?

Word Count: 3.3k

"Y/n stop staring at Shawn's Calvin Klein pictures and help me take the bags... they started calling to our flight twenty minutes ago" y/f/n whined shaking my arm vigorously almost dropping my phone.

"Hey... be careful that's a new one!" I snapped slapping her hand away.

"I swear to god y/n if this plane leaves canada without us I'll kick your ass, shove you in one of those bags and throw it off the next plane" she threatened waving her finger in front of my face.

I scoffed pocketing my phone "Easy tiger I'll help, no need to use violence" i grumbled grabbing my tiny red suitcase as she rolled her eyes.

We walked silently to our gate. And to my dislike, there was only one person left that didn't enter the plane yet. She glanced at me mouthing:"i told you so".

I shrugged my shoulder pulling my ticket from my pocket handing it to the employee. She greeted us wishing us a nice flight before we made our way into the small tunnel that lead to the plane.

We walked inside and not to my surprise it was already full. We strutted between seats bumping into a few people until we reached the back of the plane away from any other passengers. Unlike much people i enjoyed sitting in the back, it's more quiet, no kids screaming and crying, no passenger complaining plus it's very close to the bathroom.

Besides i have this habit of singing when I'm on the plane, it helps me ease the stress to the fact I'm flying thousands feet away from the earth. So sometimes people gets annoyed cause they like wanna sleep which is totally understandable but if they wanna get comfortable so do i. That's when we figured out the best solution was to sit in the back rows.

Y/f/n threw her bag in my direction and hurried to sit next to the window. "I wanted to sit there!" I whined throwing my purse at her but she dudged it, a smig smirk flashing across her face.

I shook my head as i loaded our bags into the small cupboard above us ignoring her happy dance. "If you don't stop, people are gonna think you're crazy... they wouldn't be wrong though" i mocked smugly.

"Stop being so grumpy and let me enjoy my vacation!" She snapped folding her arms against her chest.

I rasied her eyebrows "I still can't believe you chose to take me to los angelos to spend summer. I always take you to fascinating European countries where different culture, interesting communities..." i groaned struggling to fit the bags inside the tiny space left.

"Yeah right... You always bring me to shawn mendes concerts. That's the only reason you actually leave canada not that you're intersted in discovering different cultures" she retorted back glaring at me.

At the mention of that, a teenage guy who sat right behind us looked up from his phone. Was he eavesdropping? He was wearing a hoody that covered most of his face and sunglasses, who the fuck wear sunglasses in the plane at midnight? I glanced at him weirdly as he avoided my gaze embarrassed for being caught.

I sighed getting back to stuffing the bags "What!? Got nothing to say?" She asked cockily as i rolled my eyes for the tenth time in the last hour. I slammed the cupboard shut before sitting down next to her.

I buckled my seatbelt taking a deep breath "everything Will be alright" y/f/n rassured squeezing my hand. She might be a bitch sometimes but she always had my back. I sent her a grateful smile closing my eyes.

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