Secret's out

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Request: can you do one where you're the niece of Shawn's manager. Your uncle took care of you after your parent's death and treated you like his daughter. After being introduced to shawn, you quickly hit it off and managed to hide your relationship for months until someone accidentally left a huge hickey on your neck... thnx :)

Word count: 3.8k

I sighed gratefully as the clock ticked at four indicating the end of the class. The professor dismissed us after reminding us of the stupid project he had assigned for us on Tuesday.

I said goodbye to my friends and hurried out after gathering all my stuff instantly heading to my car. I knew i should probably rush home and start with the project but decided to pass by the studio and see my uncle instead. So i started the car playing some music on my phone while i drove towards the studio.

Thankfully there was no traffic so i arrived there in no time. The security men instantly recognized my bright red car, since it became a daily habit for me to visit my uncle at work after college.

He welcomed me and opened the gates for me to access the private underground parking. I thanked him sending him a friendly smile before continuing my way.I parked the car next to my uncle's. As i got out i noticed a very familiar black jeep parked next to mine, it was Shawn's.

A smile immediately found it's way on my face as i let out an excited squeal on my way to the elevator that careied me up to the fifth floor. I happily walked out as i spotted julia, my uncle's personnal assistant. Once she saw me, she waved at me joyfully and hurried to offer me a big hug. Since my uncle introduced me to her we got along so well, she is such a fun girl.

"Y/n, how are you? I missed you so much" she cooed eagerly refusing to let go of me.

"Yeah me too. Sorry i didn't come the last couple of days, i had so much assignments for college. I still do but i was bored and thought I'd pay you guys a visit" i chuckled scratching the back of my neck making her laugh.

"yeah Andrew told me this morning when i asked him about you... well I'm glad you came but i need to head back to work, Andrew has given me lots of shores for the day" she groaned as i chuckled.

"I know andrew can be a pain in the butt sometimes. I obviously don't wanna keep you off work any longer but do you know where is he now?" I asked.

"Umm i think they're taking a break in his office. They've been working hard since this morning" she replied as I thanked her giving her one more hug before walking to his office.

I knocked on door first before swinging it open slowly. My uncle was sitting behind his desk engorged in conversation with the two men sitting on the chairs opposite of him. They turned their attention towards the door when I entered.

"Am i interrupting anything important?" I asked politely in a low voice.

"Not at all, we were just discussing about the new album release date. What an amazing surprise, come here" My uncle exclaimed opening his arms widely for me.

I rushed to his side giving him a tight hug as he rubbed my back gently."Well i finished all my classes for the day and thought i could come by and say hi" i whispered into his ears giggling.

"Don't we also get a hug?" i heard a deep sarcastic voice i instantly reconized coming from behind me.

I rolled my eyes as my uncle chuckled. I pulled away turning around and found shawn comfortably laying on the black leather couch grinning at me. He was wearing a tight white shirt that hugged his strong muscles in the nicest way with the first two buttons undone showing a few chest hairs and his usual black tight jeans.

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