Stupid mistake

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A/N: so i wrote this fic a long time ago that's why my writing might seem a bit different, although i hope u like it nonetheless😍 and sorry for not uploading so much lately, ly guys❤
Summary: shawn forgot his passport at home and his girlfriend isn't too pleased about the possiblity of missing their flight.

Word count: 2.3k

I made myself comfortable on the car seat laying my head gently on the window as i closed my eyes in attempt to take a short nap. "Hey baby! Please don't sleep now or I'll have to deal with your bad attitude for the rest of the day" shawn whined making me open my eyes again glaring at him.

"There's no traffic, it won't take long to arrive at the airport, so please try to stay awake" he continued in frustration ignoring my menacing glances as he pulled his attention back to the road.

"You better shut up now if you know what's best for you mendes" i rasped dryly as he gulped taken aback by my sudden outburst since it wasn't myself to act like an annoying brat.

"I was just trying to avoid a headache during the flight... Why you gotta be such a bitch sometimes?" He bit gis tongue immediately regretting his words.

My shoulder tensed up as pain flashed across my face "Shawn peter raul mendes! You are playing with my last nerve, you know I've been suffering from back ache, that i barely slept the last two days, and i don't care if it's a short ride i need to get some sleep at least for a few minutes or I'll certainly faint from exhaustion." I yelled at him trying to hold back the tears that formed into my eyes.

When he came at a red spot, he turned towards me guilt taking over him. He rested his hand above mine sending me an apologetic glance.

"I'm sorry baby i totally forgot about that, ugh I've been stressing out so much lately with the moving and all, i didn't mean anything i said earlier" he muttered his thumb soothingly caressing the tender skin.

I sighed my lips curling into a weak smile as he leaned down kissing my cheek. When the road was clear again he readjusted his position, his vision focusing back on the few cars driving  ahead of us "Hey i forget to ask you what did the doctor say?" He asked.

"She told me back pain was normal at this stage of pregnancy but still she gave me some painkillers, and even though the flight is only six hours to LA she also gave me some other medicines in case i felt dizzy or vomitting" i explained slightly shivering as the cold air brushed my bare skin. I groaned closing the window.

Shawn stifled a laugh "told you to wear more cloth honey" he tsked as i sent him yet another glare.

"Sorry baby hopefully you won't need them, now you two can rest a bit and I'll wake you up when we get there." He cooed rubbing my small baby bump.

I thanked him before drifting back to sleep impatient to finally be living next to my family again. The thing is when we found out about the pregnancy we decided to move in together and settle in his condo in Canada. But i obviously didn't fit in the canadian life style, i felt so lonely and anxious even though his family welcomed me and treated me in the best way. Not to mention the terrible freezing weather.

Being far away from my family and friends that i grew my entire life next to was killing me. So he agreed on moving to LA to live close to them. As much as it hurts him being away from his own homeland and family, he hated seeing me upset.

We arrived at the airport after half an hour, we took out our bags, and well because shawn became so overprotective lately, he didn't let me carry any of them. Which i didn't mind at all but it upset to watch his struggles as he dragged four heavy bags on his own.

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