Crazy night (part 2)

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Summary: y/n is out celebrating with her friend and gets super drunk. It was Shawn's duty to get her back home safely but easier said than done ;)

Word count: 3.6k

When we finally reached the living room, i gently removed her coat and placed her heals on their usual shelf in the cupboard. "Shawn!?" She called for me, her voice shaking. I instantly turned around as i found tears streaming down her face for the second time tonight.

I wrapped my arms around her as she buried her face into my chest. I rubbed her back soothingly. Even though i had no idea what caused this outburst but ut still broke my heart seeaing her cry. "I lost Emma" her voice was muffled by my chest.

"You lost what!?" I cupped her chin to make her look at me.

"Emma..." she admitted guilt and worry dripping from her weak voice.

"Who's Emma?" I asked in confusion searching through her list of friends to identify who's she talking about.

"My puppy!!" she shouted.

My face dropped as i let go off her. I was speechless not knowing what to say. "Y/N you don't own a puppy!" I snapped my voice raising a bit.

"Really i don't?" She sniffed staring blankly at me. I shook my head my hands into a fist as i tried to prevent myself from explosing. "Oh thank god, i thought i lost a cute puppy" she let out a relieved breath.

She walked past through me into our room. I froze blinking a few times as i tried to process what just happened. When i was awoken from my shock i followed her.

She was standing in front of the window struggling to lower down the zipper of her dress. "Let me help you" i suggested sneaking my hand to her side slowly exposing her soft skin. I slid down her straps but she stopped me. "What!? Don't you want to take off your dress?"

She crossed her arms over her chest smirking. "Only if you take off your shirt" she retorted sassily biting her bottom lip.

"Whatever..." i glanced at her before pulling off my sweater exposing my naked torso to her. She moaned eying me hungrily as she ran her fingers on my naked flesh.

I enjoyed her tender touch "damn you're so hot!" She licked her lips and i couldn't help but blush at her compliment.

"Oh my god! Your tities are so small" she placed both hands on my chest trying to squeeze them but obviously failing "lucky! You don't have to wear uncomfortable bra everyday" she exclaimed pinching my nipples gently.

"Hun i don't wear bras" i confirmed laughing.

"Yeah i know, i just said you don't need to wear one!" She plained raising her eybrows.

"whatever... let's go to bed now" i demanded sternly as i shimmied her dress down her body until it pooled between her ankles.

I unclipped her bra before handing her one of my old shirts for her to wear. I slided back into my pyjamas too. I pushed her down to kay on the bed. I climbed sitting next to her covering our bodies with the warm sheets.

"Wait shawn! I need to get my make up off" she rushied to the bathroom but her legs tangled into the covers and she fell on the floor with a loud thud.

"Do you have to take it off?" I ran my hand through my hair yawning.

She turned around sending me a deadly glare i swallowed thickly shocked by her answer. "IF I DON'T REMOVE IT I'LL HAVE WRINKLES! WRINKLES! I'LL BE AN UGLY SHIT" she yelled furiously.

"You'll always be beautiful to me" i flattered her in hope to convince to get back to bed but she wasn't buying it.

She stood up and placed her hands on the wall to support ger weight as she crossed the room to the bathroom. I waited for her impatiently on the bed scrolling through my phone until i heard footsteps getting closer.

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