I'll always take care of you

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Request: can you do one where the reader is extrmely stressing over her exams, she ain't eating well and she passes out. When shawn finds out he forces her to take a break and helps her relax. Just all fluff and cuddles. Thank you!!

Word count: 1.9k

"Oh yess!! That's what I'm talking about!! I beat You loosers again!!"
Shawn screamed excitedly making fun of his friends as he made a little happy dance around the coffee table. He's always been the competitive type.

"Shut up!! Let's go for round three, I'm sure I'll beat your ass this time" they both glared at him clearly not amused.

"You wish bro, no one can ever beat me at this game. Even y/n who's the expert was never able to win against me" he bragged proudly.

"Speaking of which, where's she? I haven't seen her in while" connor asked his eyes still focused on the screen."Me neither... her exams are getting closer so she's spending all day in the bedroom studying" He sighed shrugging his shoulders.

That's when i walked down the stairs to tell them to shut their mouths because i need silence to study or else if i fail my exams I'll kill them all. I slowly took one step after another gripping hard the staircase beacuse i was feeling a bit dizzy, it's normal after you spend five hours of solving math problems, and not sleeping so well the night before.

"Wow!! Y/n you look a hot mess!!" Brian commented mockingly as soon as i entered the living room.

"Thanks... right back at you" i smiled at him sarcastically leaning my weight against the door frame as i felt my body getting weaker by the second.

"...and can you guys keep it down little, I'm studying upstairs. You might have all ditched school tl carry on your pathetic life but unlike you, i want to proceed a successful life" I glared at them angrily including my boyfriend who immediately paused the game.

"Hey I'm practicing a very interesting job and taking all those epic pictures of your boyfriend..." connor protested raising his eyebrows.

"If you want to call one of us pathetic it should brian" he growled earning a smack on the head from his unamused friend. I ignored their usual argument focusing on shawn as he stared at me in extreme worry.

"Baby... you look so pale!! Have you eaten breakfast yet? How many times have i told you not to pressure yourself you've been studying for hours not to mention that you barely slept last night" he scowled walking towards me in firm steps.

He's right honestly I've been pressuring myself so hard this week, but i had no choice these exams are worth 65% of my grades, if i fail i won't pass this year at college, and that would be a nightmare!

"I'm so sorry baby i got caught up in time, I have only one chapter left. when i finish it, I'll get down and we can eat lunch together, i promise" i smiled weakly struggling to keep my eyes open.

He looked down at me obviously not believing me. He shook his head in disbelief giving me a kiss before sitting back on the couch. He learned by now to not argue with me because it won't lead to anything good but him sleeping on the couch. One time he tried to lecture me on how to

So i went to the kitchen and poured myself a cold glass of orange juice to regain my energy before heading back to my room. As i arrived to the stairs, suddenly i felt the room around me spinning, my vision got blurry and everything went black.

I heard people calling my name loudly... i slowly opened my eyes as i see the three men standing above me wearing a concerned look on their faces.

"Baby please say something... are you okay??" Shawn asked with his voice shaking as he helped me sit up properly making me lean my back against his chest.

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