Movie night

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Summary: y/n has been in love with her bestfriend shawn for a while but she was too scared and insecure to tell him in fear of ruining their friendship. So she kept her feelings hidden until one night the truth accidentally slipped, what was his reaction?

Word count: 2.6k

"Finally where were you? I thought you went to the market down in the lobby". Shawn exlaimed rather angrily when he opened the door of the hotel room for me as i was struggling to hold the heavy bags in my arms.

"Well for a five star hotel, it turns out they don't sell ready fresh popcorn, chips or any delicious flavor of juice... so i had to go to the market down the street to buy all the snacks" I complained groaning as he moved away so i could enter.

I placed the bags on the desk next to the window that offered us an incredible night view of Madrid."What? You went there on your own?" He asked the astonishment clear in his voice.

I nodded my head confused by his reaction."Are you crazy? It's already dark outside, you could've asked jake to accompany you or simply i would've gone to buy them" He looked at me with worry.

"Why are you so scared? I'm right here nothing bad happened" i rolled my eyes.

He held my hand staring right into my eyes -i felt like all the air was sucked out of my lungs. "Still you could have hurt yourself, it's so dangerous outside at this hour... promise me you'll never act this reckless again okay?"

I wanted to protest but stayed quiet instead because a part of me loved him when he gets overprotective. So i smiled at him tenderly."Fine... i promise" I replied before he placed a soft kiss on my forehead. My heart skipped a beat as i instantly turned around, my cheeks turning bright red.

I pretended to take the snacks out of the bags even though i was already caught. "You're so cute" He laughed as i let out a sad sigh while i poured all the fresh popcorn into a huge plastic bowl.

He slowly walked to the bed leaning his back against the headboard as he pulled over the soft blanket closer to his chest. I carefully handed him the huge bowl of popcorn and two beer bottles to put on the nightstand next to him.

He scanned the snacks a bit disappointed "It took you half an hour and you only brought popcorn?" He whined before throwing one in the air and catching it with his mouth like a pro.

"I also baught some chips and chocolate but those are for tomorrow night" i quickly explained before he thinks of reaching his hand in the bags and devour them all.

He nodded his head unamused before he pressed the play button on the remote to start the movie. He scooped away a bit making room for me. So i joined him on the bed under the warm white blanket leaving a noticeable space between us.

"Why are you so distant? I'm not gonna eat you, the popcorn is enough...Come here" He offered since he realised i was sitting on the edge.

I hesiated at first but then agreed anyway not wanting to sound suspicious. I snuggled closer to him as he wrapped his arms around me. I tensed up a bit but tried to stay calm as i laid my head on his shoulder.

Half an hour has passed, we watched the movie while we enjoyed the delicious buttery popcorn. We were mostly silent other than shawn making silly comments during each scene making me laugh with his stupid yet funny jokes.

The movie was about a boy and girl that were childhood bestfriend who were secretly in love with each other.Shawn and i have watched it like five time already but it was my favorite. So he agreed on watching it even though i can him feel getting bored from it.

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