Date gone wrong

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A/N: this one is an old request but my first actually but honestly rgis is one of my favorite.Anyway enjoy your reading❤
Request: hey can you please do one where the reader sneaks out to meet shawn behind her parent's back and her dad finds out. You can chose the end. Thank you:)

Word count: 3.7k

I held my shoes with one hand walking on my tip toes praying that no one will catch me. I sighed happily as soon as i put my hand on the door knob."Where do you think you're going little missy?" I cursed myself as i heard my dad's voice.

"Hey dad... i was going to susan's" i turned around sending him an innocent smile.

"Did you forget you're grounded?" He raised his eyebrows leaning against the door frame.

"But dad we have a school project due tmorrow and we need to finish it today" i lied avoiding his gaze as i fumbled with my bracelet.

"I can't beleive you're lying right into my face, i know you're not going to susan's you're going to see this pathetic boyfriend of yours" he frowned down at me, disappointed flashed across his face.

"What? Why would you say that?" I continued the dumb act although we both knew the truth.

"Oh well beside seeing susan's dad today telling me he's taking the family to their lake house, you were cracking my head off for the past week about shawn coming this Tuesday" he rasped his voice rising a bit.

My cheeks turned red as i looked down embarrassed." I'm sorry i was lying, but come on please let me go. I haven't seen him in over a month, I'll do anything..." i pleaded hoping he'll find a soft spot in his heart and allow me to go.

"Of course not, specially not after you lied" he shook his head vigorously.

I huffed crossing my arms over my chest "I know you never liked him, and i was sure you were going to find a way anyway to prevent me from seeing him" i retorted back angrily.

"Yes that's true. Now Give me your phone and go back to your room. And Just so you know your punishment just increased a week because of your attitude" He yelled at me stretching his arm in front of me as i gave him my phone before i ran back to my room.

I laid down on the bed hugging my pillow as tears streamed down my face. I wished my mom was here. She wouldn't allow this to happen even though she didn't also approve this relationship, she would never make me upset. But my selfish sister claire just had to take her all the way to new york for a stupid event!

After a few minutes, i heard a knock followed by the door swinging open which interrupted me from my plans on how to murder my sister and probably dad."What happened?" I heard a very familiar voice whining. "Why's dad so angry? What did you do now?" My brother dylan walked in and started the string of questions.

So i sat up properly as he laid down next to me while i told him everything that happened and how cruel my dad was behaving."I'm not surprised at all, dad is not a big fan of shawn" My brother replied shrugging his shoulders.

I sent him a glare "Okay i don't think i need to hear this at the moment, now please help me find a way out to go see him" i demanded though my tone sounded more of a plead than an order.

"No way keep me out of this..." he raised his hands in the air standing up to leave but i pulled him back down.

"Please I'm begging bro, i haven't seen him in a month. You're the only one that knows what I'm going through" i pleaded with my puppy eyes that i knew he can't resist.

Dylan is the only one who understands me. Not only because he's my closest brother but He knows what it's like to be far away from your loved one beacuse he's also in a long distance relationship with his girlfriend kylie.

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