Crazy night (part 1)

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Summary: y/n is out celebrating with her friend and gets super drunk. It was Shawn's duty to get her back home safely but easier said than done ;)

Word count: 2.8k

I was tossing around in bed for over an hour now. I sighed in frustration sitting up before checking the clock on the nightstand '12:00'. I swung my legs from the bed yawning.

I grabbed my phone finally giving up on getting any sleep tonight and walked towards the kitchen. I poured myself a cup of coffee to calm my nerves before entering the dark living room. It was raining heavily outside. The only sound filling the room was the raindrops hitting the windows and the whistling of the strong wind.

I stepped slowly in the darkness careful not to drop anything and break it until i reached the long white couch. I sat down sipping the warm drink as worry took over me. I unlocked my phone eying the previous texts i sent to her before going to bed in hope she might have responded.

-10:30 "hey babe I'm home, are you having fun?"
-11:00 "y/n when are you getting home? Would you like me to come pick you up?"
-11:30 "baby I'm starting to get worried, the weather is getting worse"

I cursed when i see that none of them were seen or answered. I ran my hand through my hair as i leaned my back against the soft pillows.

I don't want to sound so clingy or annoying and i wanted her to have fun but i was still concerned about her. Ugh i should have gone with her, why did i stay at the studio for this damn album? Right because i have a tough schedule that can't be delayed.

She was so excited when she called me at noon to tell me she finally got her big promotion at work. She put all her effort, sweat and tears to make it happen. I was so proud of her and she wanted to go celebrate with her friend y/f/n And obviously wanted me to go with them as well, but i couldn't.

But i also didn't want to ruin her happiness, so i insisted that she goes out and have the time of her life even if i wasn't there, but i wasn't a big fan of her dancing in the club in the middle of the night surrounded by drunk horny men desiring to lay a hand on her.

It wasn't that i don't trust her but she is kind of a lightweight and will instantly go tipsy after one glass of tequila. And what got me on edge was the fact she was going with her best friend y/f/n. That crazy bitch can't be reliable to protect her because she will throw herself in the nearest guy's arms while sober without hesitation and totally forget y/n lost in the middle of the huge crowd.

I haven't realized i fell asleep until i was awoken by my phone ringing. I rubbed my eyes before positioning the phone to my ear. I was met with a loud music from the other line. I immediately assumed it was y/n. "Baby?" I called my voice a bit raspy.

"Shawwn... babbbyyy... how are you??" She suttered with delight. "I'm fine" i replied firmly. "What the hell is wrong with you? it's midnight where are you?" I snapped completely losing all control i had left even though i swore i wouldn't upset her tonight.

"Babbyyy i loovee youuu..." she cooed ignoring my questions. I tensed up gulping at her state. She was totally absentminded and had no fucking idea what i just said.

"Y/n what the fuck? How many drinks did you have?" I asked in concern.

"I don't know, not much... maybe ten or twelve" she stuttererd hesitantly. "Can you come get me pleasee? Y/f/n just vanished from the club, i can't find her"she pleaded.

"Ughh okay fine, just be aware I'm gonna kill her once i see her" i warned her furrowing my eyebrows as i headed to my closet.

"You can't do that, i told you she just disappeared" she whispered in a mysterious tone making me chuckle wishing it was the case.

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