Endless teasing (part 1)

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Summary: Shawn's sick and the doctor put him on a strict vocal rest. Thankfully he had his girlfriend and friends by his side and made sure to turn his day into a nightmare.😈

Word count: 3.5k

I walked over to the king size bed climbing slowly on my knees. "Shawnie... baby... wake up" i sung softly in his ear nuzzling my nose into his neck.I ran my fingers from his back up to his hair slowly massaging his scalp as he let out a pleasured sigh.

He turned around on his side popping his sleepy eyes open "good morning baby, how are you feeling today?" I asked leaning down to give him a kiss.

"My throat hurts like a bitch!" he rasped coughing, his hoarse weak voice already gave me my answer.

"Oh honey you don't seem so well?" I pouted placing a kiss on his forehead to check if he had any fever. Thankfully he didn't, it was probably because he was exhausting himself with rehearsing lately.

"How about i order us breakfast then we go discuss this with Andrew?" I asked as he nodded his head not able to reply properly.

So i called the receptionist for pancakes and warm honey tea for shawn. The poor boy couldn't swallow a bite without wincing in pain, it really concerned me."Baby i think you should see a doctor, we can cancel our plans for today" i suggested moving the plates away.

"No you don't have to stay for me, I'll talk to Andrew and you go do your endless shopping" he told me wrapping his arms around me as he pulled me closer.

"Does your throat really hurts or you're just finding an excuse to not come with me?" I lift my head raising my eybrow.

"Hmm" he pursed his lips pretending be be in thoughts "why can't it be both?" He asked innocently earning a slap on the chest.

He crashed his lips against mine ignoring my protests before his laughs filled my ears. Afterwards shawn left me to meet up with Andrew while i took a shower. I dried my hair before sliding into my tight skinny jeans and pulled over one of Shawn's large sweaters.

It turned out it was a great decision to go by myself. Because i scanned every shop in this mall inch by inch, i baught presents to my family and myself obviously. If he accompanied me he wouldn't have stop nagging. Near one o'clock, i received a terrifying message from Brian that made my heart skip a beat.

Brian: Y/N! where are you?
Me: I'm still at the mall, what's wrong?
Brain: something's wrong with shawn...
Me: what do you mean!?
Brian: just plsase come here.

I quickly shoved my phone inside my bag before carrying the dozens of shpping bag into the first taxi i caught.During the entire ride, awful thoughts ran through my mind that made me sick to the stomach. I rubbed my hands together nervously. Damn couldn't Brian be more specific!? I tried to call shawn for a clear explanation but got no response which only increased my worry. The last message he sent was an hour ago saying he was relaxing in our room.

Once at the hotel, i paid the driver before running inside brusquely pushing my way through people. My heart dropped when i found our room empty. I threw the bags away and knocked madly on Brian's room, probably waking the whole floor up.

"Y/n! Finally you're here!" Brian exclaimed opening the door. I pushed him away slightly entering the room without saying a word. "A hey can do it, you know?" He called from behind.

"What happened? Where is he?" I asked panting.

I caught shawn sitting on the chair in front of the large window staring down at the busy crammed road. I ran to his side hugging him. I cupped his jaw scanning his face from bruises or contusion but it was flawless. he looks perfectly fine even better than this morning.

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