Bring your girlfriend to work day

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Summary: y/n is very bored and very pregnant. While shawn is forced to go to work he decides to bring her along with him.

Word count: 2.6k

I stirred in my sleep groaning as i heard the unpleasant sound of the alarm going off. I stuffed my face deeper into my pillow covering my ears with both of my hands.

"Shawn... shawn..." I mumbled into my pillow in frustration but didn't get any response. Damn! How is it possible to stay asleep through this chaos?

I turned around reaching my hand out towards the nightstand. I picked up the phone before shutting down the alarm.
There's no way I'm gonna be able to fall asleep again. I angrily slammed my hand on the bed next to me. He knows that there's nothing that drive me more carzy than to have my beauty sleep disturbed.

I groaned popping my eyes half open, my vision still blurry. I rubbed them before i inspected the room around me to fimd the room totally empty. It's still to early for work where could he possibly be? My toughts were cut shortly after once the door slowly swung open and shawn entered carrying a tray of delicious pancakes.

"Oh good morning princess" His brown sparkling eyes lit up when he found me awake as a smile plastered on his face.

He was only wearing his favorite red pyjama pants putting his strong chest and perfectly shaped abs on the show. His messy curly hairs slightly covered his shining forehead.

He walked closer to me putting the tray down on the nightstand. He ran his hand into his hair removing them away from his eyes before he leaned down to kiss me. But i turned my head away making his lips bump into my cheek instead as i crossed my arms over my chest frowning.

"why's my baby so grumpy this morning?" He cooed abviously not happy to see me upset.

"I'm grumpy because your stupid alarm woke me up" i threw a deadly glare in his direction.

"I'm sorry baby i didn't mean to bother you... please don't be mad at me" he apologised placing his hand above mine but i quickly removed it.

"You're aware that she's mad at you for waking her up as well, this was supposed to be our day off" i complained in a whiny voice.

Well no one can blame my behavior, I've been dealing with extreme exhaustion for the past few days. So my doctor recommended me to take a break from work and rest as much i can. And I was hoping to get a little more sleep in the morning but my idiot boyfriend ruined that for me.

"The last thing i wanna do is to upset either one of you" He pouted sitting down next to me as he placed a soft kiss on my belly before positioning his ear against it.

"I'm sorry babygirl, your daddy can be a big dork sometimes... mhmm... yes she agrees... what's that? you forgive me... thanks sweatheart now let's see your mom now" I listened fondly to his imaginary conversation with his daughter as i stifled a laugh still staring at the wall away from him.

He grabbed my chin making me look directly at his gorgeous brown eyes. My heart swelled and felt so weak under his stare. The butterflies immediately dancing in my stomach. It's amazing how much effect he has on me...

He then crashed his lips against mine carresing my red burning cheek gently as we shared a passionate kiss. I pulled away licking my lips tasting the fresh mint toothpaste.

"Please forgive me, she did" he pleaded catching his lips with his teeth. I could never stay mad at this cute pretty face. I stayed silent pretending to be in thought for a few minutes.

"Ok I'll forgive you only if you let me have these pancakes all to myself" I retorted as i raised my eyebrow making him laugh.

"You evil monster you just want an excuse to eat them all" he shook his head as i slapped his arm playfully rolling my eyes.

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