First time babysitting

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Summary: y/n is forced to go to work so shawn is left to care of their baby girl but things don't go as planned.

Word count: 4k

"Baby please don't leave me..." Shawn wailed desperately for the tenth time following me into the bathroom.

"I think you can handle her for one day, you've been doing better lately, don't worry" i tried to reason with him as i pulled out my make up kit from the cupboard to prepare myself for work.

"I've been only doing great because you've been next to me all the time and telling me exactly what to do... please you can't leave her alone with me" He whined making me let out a heavy breath in frustration.

You can't blame me for getting mad, he's been following me around the house since he found out i needed to go to work today. So i turned around to face him putting my brush aside on the counter sending him a menacing look to shut him up.

"Listen to me carefully shawn and i will repeat this for the last time..." i warned him as i wave my finger in front of his face. He swallowed thickly as he stared at me blankly taken aback by my dry tone.

"I have an important meeting to attend today. Your mom is super busy and can't watch over skyler and you're the only one available so you're gonna take care of her for the rest of the day... End of discussion" He opened his mouth to protest but i sent him a glare indicating him to stay quiet. He just threw his hands in the air in resignation and left the bathroom into our bedroom.

I felt so bad as i watched him leave. I shouldn't blame him for being nervous, it's his first time babysitting skyler alone, it's normal to feel this way. I remember the first night i stayed alone with sky because he had extra work in the studio, i was so anxious and struggled a lot back then on my own. I placed all my makeup kit back in their usual bag before following him in the bedroom to opologise about my sudden outburst.

I found him standing in front of sky's crib staring down at her fondly while she was sleeping, she looked so soft and peaceful... I approached them as i rubbed his back soothingly making him look dowm at me. I lift myself on my tip toes and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek causing a soft smile to break across his face.

"Don't worry baby, everything will be okay. I trust you. I'm sure you'll do well on your own, just don't overthink about it" I whispered into his ear nuzzling my nose into his neck making him shiver slightly.

"What if something bad happened and i can't deal with it right?" He asked nervously his voice trembling as i struggled to hold back a laugh.

"What could possibly happen?" I rolled my eyes.

"Well a lot of things... i could forget feeding her and make her starve or i might even feed her too much she'd throw up or she might get bored with me and start crying and what if i drop her on the stairs or..." He started rambling letting out all the terryfing possible accidents that was running through his mind but he stopped talking offended when he heard me laughing hysterically next to him.

I know it's cruel to laugh in this situation because his sensitive self and over thinking was frightening him and taking over his mind, but i just can't help but laugh at his crazy thoughts.
"What? This stuff could happen... i can be a real idiot sometimes you know?" He huffed frowning as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I can't argue with that, I've been dating you for four years now, i memorize your ridiculous behaviour by heart" i teased making him roll his eyes.

"You're so mean..." shawn pouted frowning at me.

"Babe for the last time, i guarantee you nothing bad will happen during my absence. Don't let your crazy thoughts get to you" i grabbed his chin staring directly into his concerned but gorgeous eyes.

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