Endless teasing (part 2)

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Summary: Shawn's sick and the doctor put him on a strict vocal rest. Thankfully he had his girlfriend and friends by his side and made sure to turn his day into a nightmare.😈

Word count: 2.8k

Shawn yelled pushing out of the way kneeling down to see if the key was still on sight.

"I'M SORRY IT WAS AN ACCIDENT... I TOLD YOU TO PLUG IT" i defended voice raising with guilt.

"don't be overdramatic, I'll call brian" i suggested grabbing my phone.

"Yeah good idea... my life saver" he commented bitterly receiving a glare."Ugh he's not answering" i grunted.

"WELL CALL THE OTHERS... ANYBODY!" He growled. I covered his mouth firmly to shut him up.

"You're not allowed to speak. The guys are still out and jake accompanied josiah to buy a new lenses for his camera. The only ones here are brian and Andrew. And I'm certainly not calling your respectful manager to come save us while we're half naked" i stated through gritted tears.

He shook his head returning back to take a seat in the bathtub. I sighed regretting my outburst and approached him. "I'll keep calling him til he answers, don't worry will be out soon" i kissed his temple.

I walked frantically back and forth nervously as i hit on the call button relentlessly. An hour has passed no escape "my battery is officially dead, can't believe i waisted it on calling an idiot" i muttered.

"Shawn?" I turned my head as i heard soft snores. Well since we're gonna be stuck here for a while, why not have a lil fun?

I placed phone down joining him. I straddled his waist cupping his neck. I opened his robe a little slowly exposing his skin inch by inch peppering kisses all the way. He stirred moaning as his eyes popped open. "I couldn't get brian, but i figured there's no harm in entertaining ourselves" i winked at him.

I locked our lips again in a hungry make out session. His hands roaming down my body desire dripping from his eyes. He untied my robe ready to slide ut off until we heard an annoying voice. "Guys are you there?"

"Oh now you show up!" I snapped getting off Shawn's lap while he laughed hysterically. "Umm sorry... how did this happen?" He asked confused.

"Ughh we wanted some privacy to take a shower, so we locked the door and we accidentally dropped the key in the cavity" i stuttered emphasizing on the we's.

"Y/n lost it, didn't she?" He said making shawn laugh. "Just get us out..." i demanded

"Okay but only because shawn is held captive with you. No way in a million years I'd save you. Anyway i braught the maid and she has a spare key" he explained driving me furious.

A few minutes later, we heard the door unlocking. We walked out grateful thanking the maid who left immediately. Brian raised his eyebrows eyeing us suspiciously. I held myself together punching him harshly on the chest. "Hey what was that for?" He yelped.

"I've been calling you for over an hour. Why didn't you answer?" I yelled as shawn wrapped his arms around me to stop me from doing anything crazy.

"Oh I've read your messages but i wanted you to suffer a little longer" he wheezed slapping Shawn's back playfully who in response shrugged his hands off him glaring in his direction.

"I don't get it, I'm the one who's supposed to be mad. You guys interrupted me from my delicious warm muffins i just baught" brian mumbled.

As the word muffin rolled off his tongue. Shawn's face lightened looking at him with full desire. He smiled at him innocently silently asking permission to give him one. I rolled my eyes translating Shawn's need to a clueless brian. He chuckled nodding his head before leaving to get him one.

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