My pretty farmer

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Request: thank u so much for taking my request since i really love ur stories❤❤. Anyway i was thinking like the reader was raised on a farm in Georgia and she's taking shawn to meet her family. He keeps complaining and even tried helping with animals and messing up with the reader teasing him. Just make it extremely cute!!😍

Word count: 4.5k

A/N: thank you so much for sending me your request, i really enjoyed writing it and i hope you like it too❤

I couldn't help the smile on my face as i stared out the window in awe at that familiar scenery that accompanied my entire childhood. The vast fields on each side of the roads, the scent of nature purifying our lungs, the hot air caressing our skin, the herds of sheeps feeding on top of the hills, the trees, the flowers...

My heart constricted with longing but also excitement to be finally back into my hometown. I never realised how much i was attached to this place until i left for college two years ago. Being raised on a farm my whole life surrounded by nature, animals, serenity then suddenly being forced into a crowded noisy city was one difficult challenge. Even though tonronto had a homey atmosphere it could never be compared to here.

Yep eveything was perfect or it would be if it wasn't for my annoying boyfriend who's been complaining since we landed here. "Ugh is this farm of your build on the sun or something?" He huffed unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt.

I rolled my eyes turning around to scowl at him. "What kind of guy wears a suit in the middle of the summer for a weekend in freaking georgia?" I retorted rolling down the window to hopefully let some cool air into the car.

"A guy that's meeting his girlfriend's parents, that's who" he snapped back keeping his eyes on the road.

I glanced at him almost feeling pity at his stupidity. His face was already bright red from the heat, sweat trickling down his exposed skin. He literally searched hours to dig up his most expensive suit in order to look presentable in front of my parents. But all he's doing is making himself look like a fool, cause fancy boots and clothes like that will be soon ruined by dirt and cow poop.

"Yeah you're meeting them in an old farm not in a five stars hotel. I'm disappointed you didn't think of wearing a tie" i scoffed chuckling quietly.

"Oh my God! You think i should have worn a tie? Is there any store or mall on our way?" He gasped in panic scanning the deserted land around us.

This time i couldn't hold my laughter anymore as i clutched my stomach painfully. "Dude relax. My parents haven't stepped a foot outside of the farm for ten years. You can show up in your underwear and they wouldn't mind. Also gotta warn ya you might catch granpa in his too" i joked shrugging my shoulders.

He grimaced in disgust at the thought but i could see him lightening a bit when a weak smile broke across his face. "I don't care how or where they live. I really want them to like me." He replied in a sad tone.

I squeezed his hand reassuringly as he locked his concerned eyes with mine. "Baby i promise you they will love you. Cause you're an amazing person and they already know how much you make me happy in and out of bed" i lowered my voice teasingly as i placed a soft kiss below his ear.

His shoulders tensed up again as he shot me another terrified look "you talk to your parents about our sex life?!" He whispered-yelled even though no one's around.

"Well obviously not my father he'd kill me, you mostly. But I'm used to tell my mom everything. She's like my best friend, i never hide anything from her" i explained squeezing his arm reassuringly not that it would make it better.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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