Met gala

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A/N: Great news guys!! I posted a new story "keep it undercover" go check it out!!❤😍
Summary: Since shawn didn't have a date for the met gala, he invited his two bestfriends instead. The more the merrier.

Word count: 3.5k

Shawn's P.O.V
"Hey I'm home" i called as soon as i stepped into the apartment.

"No one... okay?" I mumbled carrying the grocery bags into the kitchen where i found a hungry brian stuffing his face into a bowl of spaghetti."Dude what the fuck? I didn't bring you here to raid my fridge, i called so you can keep her company" i growled.

"Sorry...but i have nothing to do with her. She's driving me insane. I can't have a normal conversation without her bursting out on me. I'm telling you now i won't last the next nine months" he groaned wipping the sauce dripping from his chin with the back of his hand.

"Don't blame the pregnancy bro, you're just not pleasant to hang with" i mocked smirking in his direction.

"Well I'm offended... here i am wasting my precious time because you called me..." he rambled but i cut him with a sarcastic laugh. "Precious right? Yeah You're so busy!" I exclaimed sarcastically.

"You know what... I'm gonna leave you alone with this rude monster... right after i finish my plate" he frowned making me roll my eyes.

"Fine with me, just clean up this mess. I'll go talk to her" i replied but i had doubt he heard a word since he kept shoving spaghetti in his mouth like a hungry animal.

I took off my jacket laying it on the back of couch as i headed in the direction of the hallway. "Hello princess, how you doing?" I cooed slightly opening the door of her new room.

"Hey..." she sobbed.

"Why are you crying hon?" I gasped walking towards the bed where she sat. I wrapped my arms around slowly caressing her back as she let out a few sobs. I glanced down to her family pictures laying in her lap. "Y/n just give them time, I'm sure they'll come around after all" i sighed but he shook her head.

We've had this conversation over a hundred times since she moved in here. Every day i come back home to find her drowning in her sorrows. I'm not complaining, she has all the reasons to be sad. But i just can't watch her helplessly suffering like that.

"No they won't, my dad is totally against this whole pregnancy without marriage thing" she cried out tugging on my sleeve.

"You're exaggerating... You're his only daughter, believe me he loves you" i whispered kissing her temple as i slided my hand down her back soothingly.

"He said that he consider me dead..." she breathed heavily in a low broken voice. I bit my lips struggling to find the right words. Is there a right word to comfort my bestfriend about her family disowning her for having a illegitimate child?

"What was i suppose to do kill my baby... getting pregnant was a mistake and this asshole abandoned me... I'm an idiot" she snapped more tears spilling down her face as she pushed me away harshly. Now i get Brian's point.

"No don't say that. You trusted him because you loved him, turns out he was a dick" i retorted back. Oh boy if i run into him again I'll bury him alive for dumping her!

"Like that's gonna make me feel better... i lost my family... it won't take long for me to lose you too" she mumbled burying her face into my face."Hey don't say that, i would never leave you" i defended but she let out a bitter laugh.

"Well i suddenly barged into your house, turned your life upside down... soon enough I'll be becoming this burden to you and our entire friendship will be ruined" she choked tightening her grip around me.

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