Wild adventure [bad boy AU]

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Summary: y/n's parents are out of town, so she takes the advantage to spend the day with shawn the baddest stud in town.

Word count: 4.4k

"Jimmy I'm going out for the day... I'll probably be back before night" i yelled taking my backpack as i headed to the door.

"wait over here missy" my brother jogged down the stairs stopping at the last step.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "What's wrong now?" I turned around crossing my arms over my chest.

"Where are you going?" He asked in a serious tone.

I rolled my eyes "None of your business, I'm turning eighteen in two weeks. I can take care of myself" i reminded him huffing in frustration.

"Mom and dad put me in charge of you... though i already know the answer" he glared approaching me slowly.

"Then why bother asking?" I mocked turning around.

He grabbed my arm harshly pinning me in place "I'm just being polite and you're not allowed to leave" he demanded pushing me back towards the kitchen.

"You're not the boss of me... dude why do you care so much?" I groaned tilting my head to the side.

And i thought sneeking out was gonna be easier with my parents out of town. "I don't but when you get back with a weird piercing or an ugly neck tattoo mom and dad will kill me" he snapped opening the fridge.

My face lightened mischievously "Actually a neck tattoo sounds great... thanks for the idea" i smirked preparing to leave again.

But he was way faster and pulled me back by my jacket. "Listen they don't have to know everything that happens during their absence. Please i never asked you for anything... let me go" i pleaded in a whiny voice but he shook his head.

"It doesn't only come to our parents, i don't approve you seeing a twenty year old douchbag" he growled as i slapped his arm.

His words stinging like it was directed to myself "You don't know him like i do" i protested, pain falshing flashing across my face. I'm done with clueless people talking shit about him.

He laughed bitterly shaking his head "Yeah you're right, I've only attended high school with him for three years. It's not like i know all his dirty schemes and how many girls he screwed" he raised his eybrows.

I slammed my bag on the kitchen table resisting the urge to slap his ugly face "Everyone just judge him by his appearance and these stupid rumors but you don't know the real him" i defended but christain ignored me quietly sipping his smoothie.

"You get that the last thing i wanna do is get involved in your love life but shawn is a bad guy, he uses girls for his own pleasure before dumping them" he replied shrugging his shoulder.

I groaned tugging my hair behind my ear "I swear you're getting worse than my parents! And i even supported you after mom got mad about you dating Isabelle." i snapped a hint of sadness in my voice. I always stood by him when he needed me even when he was wrong most of the time. Why can't he do the same for me?

"Mom didn't like her because she once criticized her food. And Isabelle was very smart, the math genious in her class, but shawn on the other hand doesn't even have a future ahead of him" he yelled running his hand through his blonde curly hair.

"Umm Yeah he does. For your information he got a scholarship for the best art academy in town" i grunted glancing at the clock. Shawn texted me to meet him outside ten minutes ago, he must be getting worried.

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