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Jisoo's POV

"Jisoo the papers please ready it", sir jin called.

"Ms. Jisoo there's a person wants to have an appointment on Mr. Seokjin".

"Ms. Jisoo the manager of sir seokjin just called they have an pictorial for vt cosmetics and for lotte"

"Ms. Jisoo".

"Ms. Jisoo".

WHATT THEEE HELLL i just work for the 1st month and all i get is this loads of work????

Am i really just a secretary?or i am the ceo?.

God i am already exhausted.

Why do i have a lot work to do.

Please come one by one i cannot do that all at once.

I sigh and stand up even though my feet is already hurt because of the heels i will just bare it and have a good smile on everyone.

"Uhm just leave all the papers i need to do here in my desk i just have to give something to our ceo", i said and smile to them.

"Okay Ms. Jisoo you're the best".

"Kamsahamida Ms. Jisoo"

They said and bow to me before they leave.

I arranged and check the papers they gave to me before i give it to sir seokjin.

Ugh i have to see jin againn!!

Everytime i see him my knees are automatically trembling my hands is shaking and i barely speak.

Even though he is already my boss I can't still remove my feeling of fangirl.

I sigh heavily before I knocked.

"Sir Seokjin your papers are here", i said.

"Come in", he said in his husky yet angelic voice.

Arghhh stop it jisoo you are working not flirting!!

I said to my self then slap my face.

As i enter his office i saw how busy he was i can also see that he is already tired.

Being a ceo of a company and a popular idol is not easy so I understand why he needs a secretary that can help him to his other works.

But i wonder why doesn't he ask for help on the Vice President of this company and he also mention that he doesn't trust him why?

I clear my throat before i talk.

"Sir Seokjin here's the papers you need to sign up for the agreement and partnership and this paper is all of your schedule for today and the whole week", i said and put a smile on him to cheer him up.

"While i sign the papers please tell my schedules", jin said.

"Ah ne", i said then i get the paper.

"For today sir you have a photoshoot with bangtan for vt cosmetics at 2 pm and a shooting for a commercial on lotte at 4pm until 7pm then tom—",

"Do i have any schedule after 7pm?", jin ask and cut from what i was saying.

"Nothing sir waeyo?", i ask.

"Oh nothing please continue", he said.

"Okay so i was saying tomorrow you have a board meeting and someone appoint to talk and meet you it's name was Suho", i said.

"What?! Suho?!", he ask and i nodded

"Cancel it tell him i am busy", he said with almost angry voice.

"Uhm okay sir, and the rest of the week sir you have to prepare for your comeback", i said.

"Really? We already preparing for our comeback??", he ask and i nodded.

"Ugh another tiring dayss it's so hard to come up with the choreo i am always the one who mess up the dance", he said while messing his hair.

"Sir seokjin don't think of that okay? Cheer up you can do it you always did best especially when it comes on singing", i said to cheer him up and smile widely to him.

He stop from what he was doing and look up to me.

He smiled.

Jisoos help me i am gonna melt at his stares and smile.

"Thank you Ms. Jisoo", he said and smile too.

"No problem sir, sir jin i have to go back i have a lot of work to do just call me sir if you need anything", i said while still smiling wide.

But suddenly i wince.

The hurt on my feet stings so much now.

I don't want to let sir jin to see me like this so I immediately turn around and leave.

Fangirl | Jinsoo (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now