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Jin's POV

I watch as she open her eyes slowly.

I really love waking up and greet by her goddess face.

I smile.

When she fully open her eyes and saw me she jumped of shockness.

"Oh my god where am i?what am i doing here?what happen sir jin?", she ask series of questions.

"Relax you are at my house you fell asleep yesterday at our dressing room i was about to bring you home at your unit when I remember I don't know what is your code so i just decided to bring you here", i said calmly.

"Oh okay sorry for being burden to you yesterday sir", she apologize.

I just came near her and hug her.

"It's okay let me take my rest", i said as we lay down back to the bed.

I hug her tight sniffing her sweet vanilla scent that i love so much.

I burried my face on her chest i know she was blushing again.

Sorry I can't help myself this is the only way to block and pretend my hornyness.

She brushed my hair to make me fall asleep fast she know that i love that my hair is being brushed especially by her touch it makes me fall asleep fast.

I am getting near to sleep when someone talk.

"Hyunggg where's jisoo no—",

I didn't know what happen because it happen so fast that i just found my self at the floor.

"Ouch", i groaned.

Jisoo immediately go to help me.

"Sorry sorry i was just surprised", jisoo apologize while helping me to stand up.

Then i glare to the one who talk.

"Don't you guys know how to knock for god sake?", i said.

"Sorry hyung", jungkook apologize.

"I guess we disturbed them", yoongi said.

I saw jisoo blushed.

"What do you need why are you here?", i ask still glaring at them.

"Jisoo noona left her phone at the dressing room yesterday we just notice it when we turn off the lights at the dressing room and it's still lighting up", jimin said.

"And oh jisoo taehyung is asking somethi—", taehyung didn't let him finish his words because he covers namjoon's mouth.

But evil jungkook talk.

"Noona taehyung hyung ask who is the girl you are with on your first-eighth picture", jungkook ask.

Jisoo open her phone and show to us the pictures that jungkook was talking about.

Jisoo open her phone and show to us the pictures that jungkook was talking about

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