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Jin's POV

(A/N: finally hehe sorry for late's jin pov)

Another tiring whole month is done finally!

We just finished preparing for our comeback.

BangPd-nim rush for our come back so that we can have an early break and rest early before MAMA.

Same as before jisoo is always beside me hehe.

Of course as my personal secretary she needs to follow me everywhere i go.

Even when we are practicing she is just waiting at our dressing room.

After our practice she always give me towel and water, sometimes i ask her if she can wipe my sweat she just do it no complaints I don't why.

I guess my mission is near to success.

You know guys sometimes i pity jisoo i know she is already tired following me everywhere i go at the same time handling my company while i am away.

But she is not showing and telling it to everyone that she is tired, she always put a smile on her face so no one can notice it, but she is wrong i can see at her eyes that she is tired, so i let her stop working for awhile and take her rest yet she insist.

What a stubborn pikachu of mine.

Wait what???

Yah jin cut it out!

But i am happy that i got to know her more.

"Yah hyung!!", taehyung called.

"Waeyo?", i ask.

"Your secretary jisoo noona fell asleep on dressing room take her home", he said and i nodded.

I immediately stand up and head to our dressing room.

As i open the door of our dressing room i saw jisoo fell asleep on the coach.

As i open the door of our dressing room i saw jisoo fell asleep on the coach

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(A/N: without dalgom though haha)

You can clearly see that jisoo is tired.

I go near her and sit beside her.

"I'm sorry if i made you this tired jisoo".

I said as i brush her hair then kiss her forehead.

I'll just change my clothes and I'll bring her home.

After i change my clothes i carry her and head to my car at the parking lot.

I put her in the passenger seat so she will seat beside me.

Then i go to the driver's seat and drive away.

I'll just take her at my home because I don't know what is the code on her condo unit.

While driving i look at her face damn her beauty.

She's sleeping like an angel.

But nothing can compare how she react when she saw and meet for the first time the whole bangtan.


"Let's go sir seokjin we are already 30 minutes late for your photoshoot", jisoo said while pulling my hands.

When we reach the room where the photoshoot is going to be held she knocks.

"Sir seokjin is already here", she said.

And i smirk on how concerned she was about me being late.

Then a staft open the door for us.

As we enter the bangtan welcome us with scolding hahaha.

I was about to walk near them when I can't pull my left hand.

I look on my left hand and i remember it was held by jisoo.

She was froze at the same time shock.

Her expression was priceless her eyes are widen and her mouth was hanging wide.🤣

When i saw the stafts and bangtan walk away and leave us because they are gonna start preparing.

Something naughty came inside my mind.

I go near at her I leaned then i bite her lower lip that made her gasped.

Until she came back to her sense.

"Yahhh!!", she whisper shouted then slap my shoulder.

I just chuckle and start going to my other members.

Yes i know.

I know that she is an army she is a fan girl of our group.

From the very start i know it she was just stopping herself to fan girl on me.

I know too that i am her bias you know i saw on her closet room a lot of poster of bts and mine even merch of rj can be found there.

She doesn't want me to enter her closet because of that she's hiding that she was a fan girl, but then I accidentally open the door when i am sick i though it was the bathroom door and saw what's inside beside her clothes bts merchandise.

And that time i saw jisoo sitting beside the bed so i carry her and lay her flat on the bed so she can sleep peacefully after all she take care of me and made my fever go down.

So as repay for her taking care of me 1 week later i brought her army bomb version 2 and 3 since i saw she just have one army bomb that is version 1, i also buy her some rj merch.

I saw how happy she is when she received it.


"Who is it?! My god it's 2 am in the morning yet someone is knocking on the door", she complains with sleepy voice.

I am hiding at the next pole or shaft to watch her expression.

"OMG!! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!", she said squeling.

"Am i still dreaming?", she questioned herself then slap her face hard.

I quitely laugh as she realized that she is awake and her slap was strong and it hurts her.

She was jumping around, hugging the armybomb and rj's merch, screaming at the top of her lungs even though it's 2 am in the morning.

"To the one who give this to me thank you very much i would love to kiss and hug you many for this godbless you let god give you your lover", she said that made me laugh again at her craziness.

Nice one jin so proud of you self you just made jisoo very happy.

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