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Jisoo's POV

I woke up when i feel something very hot touching my body.

As i open my eyes i saw jin's handsome face.

The hair was covering his face so i put his hair aside but when my finger touch his forehead i flinch.

It's so hot.

What??? So hot??

I immediately touch his forehead and neck, shit he have a fever.

So that's why he was a bit pale when he arrive here.

He was sweating.

So i stand up not minding my hurt foot.

I go to the bathroom and get a small towel and get a small pail.

I put warm water on the pail and dip the towel.

I go back to the bedroom to heal him.

I removed his coat then i open his polo.

God dammit!


Stop it jisoo just don't look!.

I said to myself when i saw his well-toned abs.

I remove his polo so that i can wipe all his sweat all over his body.

After wiping his body i find a clothes for him to wear.

Thank god i find one this was my brothers clothes when he stay here for overnight he left it in here.

I wear the t-shirt on him but the problem is how can i change his pants!!


I am just gonna close my eyes god help me!!

I unbuckle his belt and unbuttoned his pants then i pull it at the end so i can remove it without looking.

After i remove his pants i put on the jogger pants on him.

Finally i'm done whoo!!

I finish it without being tempted.

After i change his clothes i cover him with blanket.

I go out my room and get my wallet to buy his medicine for him to drink tomorrow.

What time is it?

I look at clock and it's already 10:34 pm i hope there's still an open store.

I close the door at my unit and go down my condo to buy medicine.

I was blessed for today because there's still an open grocery store.

So i buy medicine and some ingredients to cook for tomorrow.

When i get all i need i go back again at my unit.

I sit beside the bed and hold jin's hands.

I never expect this i never imagine in my life that I will gonna experience this.

Like taking care of jin because he's sick, me and jin are also making out but only kissing, i get see him everyday and talk to him everyminute.

God this was such ah blessing for me.

Thank you i am now happy and contented with this.

After that i fall asleep.

I woke up when the sun hits my eyes.

As i open my eyes i was greeted again by jin's angelic sleeping face.

I smile then kiss him in forehead he is not that hot now like yesterday.

I get my phone to look what time is it and it was 8:49 in the morning.

But wait what? How am i laying down in bed? As I remember i fall asleep when sitting at the chair beside my bed.

Nevermind i just slowly move so that i will not disturb jin's sleep.

I go to the bathroom to take a bath.

After taking a bath i pick what to wear since it's summer i just wear camisole and dolphin shorts.

After taking a bath i pick what to wear since it's summer i just wear camisole and dolphin shorts

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(A/N: opx she forgot that naughty jin still with her hahaha🤫)

I decided to cook chicken noodle soup to warm him up.

I ready the ingredients same as his medicine and water.

I bun my hair so i can start cooking.

I start to chop the vegetables one by one.

While chopping the vegetables i flinch when a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Ms. Jisoo did you forget that you are still with a man alone at your unit yet you decided to wear that kind of clothes huh?", jin whisper to my ears then licked my earlobe that send shivers to my body.

Oh my god I forgot i was still with jin i was only wearing this kind of clothes when i am alone my god how can i forget.

"U-uhm m-mianhe i-i forget", i said stuttering.

"Don't get mad at me if i do something you don't want to happen it's your fault huh", he said and i just nodded not knowing what is he talking about.

"Your medicine was already prepared their on the table drink it so that you're fever will continue to be gone", i said and he just nodded.

I open the stove and start putting the other ingredients.

"Btw Ms. Jisoo this is not my clothes yesterday right?", he ask that made me blush as I remember what i saw yesterday.

"Did you have a good look on my body yesterday did you enjoy looking at it Ms. Jisoo?", he ask even though he was at my back i can still see that he was smirking.

"Yah! I didn't look i promise", i said while raising my right hands "it's so hard to change your clothes you know because i am not looking at it", i defense.

"Oh really Ms. Jisoo?", he ask and i just nodded.

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