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Jisoo's POV

I wake up in white room.

I look around and saw jennie holding my hands while sleeping beside my bed.

I move my hands and i guess jennie feels it because she wakes up too.

"Unniieeee!!", she said then immediately hug me.

"What happen why am i here?", i ask but jennie cries.

"Yahh why are you crying i am not died yet.", i ask.

Then jennie explain everything after that I remember what happen before I fainted.


"I'm sorry jennie if i made you stay at the hospital for 1 month thank you thank you.", i said as i caress her back.

"No unnie thank you for being strong and brave", she said.

Then the door opens revealing rosè and lisa.

"Dongsaengs!", i said.

"Unnnieeeeeeeee!!!", they said and run to hug me.

"Thank god unnie you are now awake we are so worried about you!!", rosé said.

Again the door opens now it is the doctor and the nurse.

"Ms. jisoo is now okay she can discharge now if you want and please ms jisoo reduce crying it can make your anxiety back and there's the possibility for you to faint again", the doctor said.

"Yes doc kamsahamda", i said and he nodded then leave.

"Yey unnie you can go home noww!!", they said excitedly.

"Yes now lets pack up and i'm just gonna change my outfit", i said.

"Here unnie i bring you extra clothes", jennie give me the extra clothes then i go to the bathroom to change my clothes.

After that i go out and saw no one i guess they already bring the other things at the car.

I get my bag and ready to leave.

When suddenly the door opens revealing jin.

He immediately hug me but i push him.

"I have to go sir", i said fixing my bag on my shoulders.

"Are you okay now jisoo? What happen? Why did you leave that day? Why are you avoiding me?", he ask series of question.

"Excuse me sir let me go home just go to your dear irene", i said and walk away but he follows me.

He held my hand to stop me.

"Yah jisoo what about irene?",

"Go ask her yourself", i said.

"Jisoo tell me please", he said pleading.

"Okay you ask for that, you and me are big difference you are an idol and ceo rich, handsome, popular while me just ordinary girl who is just your fangirl secretary and kiss mate jin you always know that i love you what you always do make me fall in love more on you but no I'm gonna stop it i know we can't be a lot of people and your fans will hate me just be with irene unnie she is pretty, sexy, rich, and popular. They even support you guys they are happy for you", i stop cause tears start to drop on my cheeks.

"I know i am ugly compare to irene unnie i know i am fat and not lovable person i know everyone hates me and doesn't love me except for my friends who truly accept who really i was".

"Even it hurts my feeling i still hope that you can love me back that someday you'll like me too but that hopes?" I ask pointing at my heart. "that hopes just crash my heart into piece. thank you for making me happy those past days, thank you for letting me have a closure to you, you even let me kiss you", i stop for awhile because of too much crying

"But i guess you just use me while irene is away from you, you made me your kissingmate, but still i am happy that i have given a chance to cuddle, hug, and kiss you. Thank you for everything sir jin, kim seokjin my bias but i need to end everything here before i get to hurt more", i get something on my bag.

When i found it i gave it to him.

"Thank you for accepting me as your secretary thank you for being a good boss to me but sir please accept my resignation letter. And can i have a one last favor for the last time?", i ask and he nodded.

I slowly walk to him hold his cheeks and i leaned in.

Crashing my lips to his.

While kissing him for the last time tears stream more on my cheeks.

After a long kiss I let go of the kiss.

"Goodbye jin let's not see each other anymore", i said as i burst in more crying.

I run away, away from him since i doesn't belong to him especially he's not mine i do not own him.

Fangirl | Jinsoo (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now