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Jennie's POV

My photoshoot is already done.

Since the place where i do my photoshoot is near at jisoo unnie's unit I decided to visit her.

I bought bucket of chikens for her to eat.

Yes jisoo unnie really loves chicken though hahaha.

Only the three of us knows jisoo Unnie password code on her door so we can visit her anytime.

When i reach her front door i pressed the code of her door.

And yep it opens.

As i open her door unit I immediately shout happily.

"Unnie i brought you chikin chikin your favorite!!", i happily said then close the door.

Hmp weird.

Jisoo unnie will always run to me when i shout from the door cause she always know that i brings chicken for her.

I look at my watch it's already 8:32 in evening i guess she is already home her out on her office was 8 pm.

I guess she is already sleeping or laying at the bed?

I miss seeing her face even though we just see each other the last other day.

Yes me and unnie were together before she go on work she said jin oppa was waiting at the cafe on their office that's why she didn't go with me to buy coffee.

Hmmm it was her birthday january 3 that day we ask to celebrate her birthday but she insist.

She said she want to be with jin the whole day so that it can complete her happiest birthday.

So we just let her be since the three of us me lisa and rosé have things to do too.

That's why i am here to celebrate her birthday even though it is belated it's now January 5.

I head to her room and when i enter her room my knees goes weak and fall on the ground.

Yah this can't be.

No no no i am just dreaming.

I fight the shaking of my knees and crawl to jisoo unnie who is lying down on the floor.

"Yahh unnie!!", i said while shaking her.

"Unnnieeee!! Yahhhhh!!!!", i shouted while tears continue to stream down on my cheeks.

I put her head on my lap and there's a light caught my attention.

I get her phone and i saw low battery one percent after that i was shock at what i saw.

No way.

So unnie fainted the past day of yesterday?

Oh shit this is no good.

With that again i burst into more crying and more trembling.

I immediately call ambulance and not long it arrived.

While we bring jisoo unnie to the hospital i call rosé.

"Annyeong what do you need unnie?", rosé ask.

"R-rosé j-jisoo u-unnie—", i can't finish my sentence because my mouth is quivering.

"What??what's wrong with jisoo unnie?", rosé ask and i am still crying.

"Yahh unnie don't scare me please and why do i hear the siren of ambulance?", rosé ask on the phone.

"Jisoo unnie us lying down on the floor when i go on her unit we are bringing her to the hospital now!!", i said then burts in crying again.

"Unnie nice joke haha don't joke like that unnie", rosé said while laughing scaredly.

"I am not joking rosé call lisa and bring your both butt here in the hospital", i said and ended the call.

I send the address of the hospital where we are going to bring jisoo unnie.

"Unnie fight for us please", i said while holding her hands.

When you look at her she looks like nearly dying.

Her heartbeat is not good.

As we arrive at the hospital they hurriedly bring unnie to the emergency room.

When the door closes i fall on the ground once again.

Hours later...

I felt someone help me to stand up i look to who is it.

I saw rosé and lisa.

Thank god they are here.

I go hug them and start crying again.

"Unnie what happen??", lisa ask worriedly and i tell them the whole story.

"Unnie jin oppa was jisoo bias and i know she's already fall inlove with him and that's what she saw after all?", lisa ask

"Oh my god if i just know I didn't let her to work for him though", rosé said and messed her hair.

"Why didn't jisoo unnie tell us earlier that jin oppa was her boss aish!!", lisa ask in angry tone.

With that i hear running footsteps.

I look where it come from and when i see his face my blood automatically boils.

"You fucking kpop idol jin oppa what did you do to my unnie!!", i said while spanking him on her shoulder.

"If anything happens to her you'll see what i can do oppa", i said.

"Look let me expl—", i was cut off by Lisa.

"Shut up explain to her not on us explain to her everything when she wakes up", lisa said and walk away.

"Hyung what did you do", taehyung said with a disappointment on his face.

Later on the emergency room opens revealing the doctor and nurses coming out.

"What happen doc please tell us a good news", i said.

"The patient is still unconscious she will not wake up till years or months it depends on her", the doctor said.

"Thank god you bring her to the hospital earlier because she was nearing at her death, because she was fainted for  two and half days",

"She is suffering from depression anxiety stress and mental breakdown that's why she get unconscious",

"So Let's just wait for her till she wake up", the doctor said and bid goodbye on us.

I sigh.


Three updates for you guysss since it's my birthday enjoy love you guys!!❤️

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