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Jisoo's POV

"Ohh unnie what happen why are you crying??", lisa ask.

"Yah unnie stop crying what does the doctor said?crying is bad for you", jennie said then hugged me.

"Thank you guys", i said and hug them three.

"Your welcome unnie", rosé said.

"Let's go home unnie", jennie said and i nodded she guided me inside the car.

Then jennie start driving.

"Unnie i am going to New York i have photoshoot there and they are finding another model more models rather", jennie said while driving.

"Unnie why don't you give it a try? We know that you already resigned", rosé said.

"What how did you know? And no they won't accept i am ugly and fat and I don't know how to speak english", i said.

"Unnie we saw your resignation letter on your bag", lisa said and sigh.

"Unnie what are you saying?? You are pretty, smart, and sexy they we're surely accept you plus unnie i can help you learn to speak english duh in addition it can help you to move on, on your bias", jennie said.

I just look at the window. I'll think about it.

I didn't notice that i fell asleep.

Lisa wake me up as we arrive at my unit.

They help me bring my stuffs at my unit. After that they bid goodbye.

But I immediately open the door and run to call jennie before she can leave.

"Jennie!!", i call that made her turn around to look at me.

"Yes unnie?", she ask.

"I'm coming to you when was that flight?", i ask.

"Omg is that true unnie you are coming with me at new york? I have photoshoot there for 2 years? We are leaving tomorrow morning 9 am i'll come and fetch you tomorrow unnie goodnight", jennie said and i Nodded.

But somethings wrong about jennie since they come to pick me up.

Her smile was fake you can see she was trying to be happy to cheer me up.

You can see a glimpse of sadness at her eyes.

Does she have reason too that is why she's going to new york too??

I just shake my head to remove my thoughts and i enter my unit I packed my things i just use two suitcase.

Since i have savings on my bank i'll just buy clothes there.

After packing my things i head to sleep.

*ring* *ring*

My alarm clock rings. That made me wake up.

It's already 8:03 in morning so i start taking a bath.

After that i wear my simple clothes.

After that i wear my simple clothes

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I put light make up too.

Later on I received message from jennie that she was already here at the parking lot.

If you guys wondering I already said it to my parents but not on my sister.

I get all of my stuff. And look at my unit for one last look.

But when i saw the kitchen I remember jin and i when he has fever.

The moment he hugs me from my back.


I shook my head so i can remove that moment on my head.

With one last look i closed the door and lock it.

See you again my unit at 2 years.

I start walking and head to the parking lot.

I put all of my suitcase at the back of Jennie's car and rode the car. But as i enter the car i saw lisa and rosé that made me shock.

"Why are you both here are you coming with us?", and with that they nodded.


I guess this is time for us to change.

Time for me to move on.

I am kim jisoo promising that i'll stop as fan girl starting today.

No more bts and jin in my life. I do not hate them but avoiding them. I am not stopping the other girls to unstan the bts too because i know how they love bts and their bias so much.

When i came back in korea after 2 years there are no more fangirl jisoo.

We arrive at the airport. Jennie called her driver to fetch her car in the airport and bring it back to her home.

We arrive at the right timing because they just called our flight.

Here we go.

Goodbye jin, goodbye bts, goodbye fangirl jisoo.

Once we arrive at new york i am gonna welcome my new life there.


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