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Jin's POV

We arrive at the airport and we arrive perfectly because our flight was now called.

Finally i get to rest and relax at hawaii for a while.

Please be good and make me happy hawaii please.

I know you guys confuse our plane was only for rich people it was divided into two sometimes it was use by idols too, that's why we are here.

They signaled us to power off our phones.

As i power off my phone i hide it on my bag.

Little did jin know.⬇️

'On the other side of plane'

Jennie: yah unnie power off your phone!

Jisoo: okay okay wait.

Lisa: unnie can't stop taking selcas lol.

Rosé: unnie just take pictures when we arrive at hawaii.

Taehyung's POV

Thank you for choosing this airline enjoyed your vacation everyone. airplane just landed at hawaii.

Yessssssss!! Finally we arrive.

"Taehyung-ah let's go the van is already arrive", yoongi hyung said.

I nodded then follow them.

Before i go out i wear my gucci shades because i know the sun will hit my eyes.

So this plane has two exits huh. In front and back.

I am the last one to enter the car because i am the one who last got out of the plane.

Then suddenly before entering the van my eyes caught something that I can't imagine if it's true.


I sighhh.....



I slap my face because i know it was just my delusion.

"Are you crazy alien tae?", namjoon hyung ask.

"Uh nothing hyung", i said and enter the van.

Minutes later.......

"Wow the hotel is beautiful huh! Same as the seaaa!!", hoseok hyung said excitedly.

"You guys go to your rooms and change your clothes in your swimwear and don't forget to pack extra clothes you guys are going to travel in every island and stay overnight at the last island", manager-nim said that excite us more.

We have our own room. And we are having vacation here for two months.

Little did jin know again that jisoo's room is just in his front room.

After i pack my things i go to manager-nim's room.

"Okay listen look at this suitcase. This suitcase contain your foods and other things. And this other one you all put your backpack here so it will be sealed okay?even phones and money will needed to put there". Manager-nim said and we nooded.

"Okay let's go your boat is ready", we follow manager-nim and we saw the boat.

"Have a safe trip and enjoy everyone", manager-nim said.

"Kamsahamida manager-nim", we all said then bow.

We are about to ride the boat when I forget something.

"Namjoon wait i have to get something on my room", i said and hurriedly go back to my room.

I find it on my suit case.

"Ugh where is it, come on!!", i said while finding it.

"Gotcha", i said and wear it.

I immediately go out of my room and run back to the boat.

I was about to hold on the railings on the boat because i am going to ride on the boat when i touch a hand.

I look up to see who owns the hands.


As to my shock.

It was......




"Yah hyung what are you doing get your hands off me!", jimin said.

"Oh mianhe", i said.

And with that he go walk to the mini stairs so he can enter the boat.

With that i follow him, the seats are already full it's only for 11 people

So i sit on the last seat available i saw a girl sitting there too but I can't see her face.

It's so boring no phones. Or any things. They all have been put in the suitcase.

But i get surprised when my necklace light up.For the first time it lights up in 2 years that i wear this necklace.

It means.....

Jisoo is just here near me?????

And that means she wear the necklace too???

I just came back to my sense when i hear the girl sitting beside me hummed in asking tone.

"Jennie-ah why does this necklace light—", she didn't get to finish what she was about to say when she saw me.

And here i am shock.

"Ji-ji-jisoo???", i ask in surprise and stuttering voice.

My eyes are widen at the sudden meet up. I didn't expect us to meet here.

My eyes stare at her and observe her whole body that made blush.

My eyes stare at her and observe her whole body that made blush

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My god why would she dare to wear like that?!

Her legs was expose her chest ugh Nevermind!

Oh I remember she was a model i see.

But she saw my necklace glows that made her confused i guess it because of what her expressions right now.

I was about to explain it when we are all shaking in all of the sudden that made jisoo scream and i hear other girls screaming maybe it was jennie and others.


"Mam sir the waves are now getting bigger and bigger we didn't expect this we are so—" the boat driver didn't get to finish what he was about to say when i feel the water eating my whole body.

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