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Jisoo's POV

I hurriedly go behind jin because the grass behind us is moving and making noise.

It means there's someone or something is heading on us.

"Shh don't be scared rosé", i hear jimin said.

The boys saw pointed bamboo stick so they get it to use it on protecting us.

They were about to attack the one who get out of the grass when it shouts.

"Yahhh stop!!!", it was hoseok oppa with yoongi and namjoon oppa.

Oh god that scares me. I though it was bad people or some creatures.

"How come you guys came from the forest?", jin ask.

"We swim here and we look around we thought that maybe looking around will help us to easily find you guys", namjoon oppa said.

"Uh where's taehyung? And oh new faces Annyeonghaseyo min yoongi imnida", yoongi oppa said looking at lisa and rosé.

And i know that lisa and rosé is shock when they saw the rapline but they are more shock when the first time they saw their bias, That even help them lol. I feel them when the first time i saw jin too.

Huh?? What am I thinking jisoo u said no jin and bts anymore!!

But I have no choice they are the only one who can help me and help us.

I look on my necklace and it's still glowing. I was about to ask jin when namjoon hyung shout.

"Look guys there's a boat!!", namjoon oppa said that made us all run to where the boat are.


"I thought it was ugh!"

"My god this boat is only for four people only you guys", i said.

Then quietness eat us all. No one dares to talk. It was awkward for lisa and rosé and for the boys they were planning or thinking i guess. Until jimin talk.

"How about you rapline hyungs go back to our hotel with that boat and ask for help since we can't all fit with a small both plus taehyung is still not here with the jennie girl", jimin said.

After jimin talk namjoon oppa yoongi oppa hoseok oppa jin oppa and jungkook made a surprise expression on their face huh why?

"Oh my god jimin is that you?", namjoon oppa ask and smile teasingly.

"Congrats my man you got your jams now", yoongi said while clapping his hands and laughing a bit.

"I didn't know that you can really think like that jiminie huh", hoseok said and laugh.

Jimin just rolled his eyes.

"Jimin hyung was right just send rescue immediately hyungs okay?", jungkook said.

"Okay okay take care here guys especially the girls take care of them, find taehyung and jennie at once wait for our rescue okay?", namjoon oppa said and we all nodded.

They rode on the small boat and start to paddle and leave.

I guess we will be stranded here for a while.

"Aish where could have jennie and taehyung go i am getting nervous for them", i said then sigh heavily.

"Don't worry unnie we will gonna find them soon just wait", rosé said while caressing my back.

"i hope the rescue won't take long", lisa said.

"It's near to dark how about let's go find some woods and foods on the forest", jin oppa said and we all agreed.

"Let's go separate so that we can get them fast before dark", jimin said.

"Okay lisa and jungkook you two find woods for the fire, rosé and jimin find something that can help us to build a place to sleep lastly me and jisoo will find the foods okay?", jin oppa said and we all nodded.

"Be safe everyone make sure to come back before it gets dark let's meet here same place okay now go", i said and we all go to the forest and head to different directions by partner.

2 hours later 5:43 pm.

We came back to the same place and there we saw rosé and jimin start making the house not a house really just place to sleep for a while. Like tent?

Jungkook and lisa is still not back i guess they are now heading back here.

Me and jin find some fruits like bananas, grapes, coconuts melons and watermelons we catch some fish we also get some oysters and other edible shells at the sea.

"Wow jisoo unnie and jin oppa you get many foods huh", rosé said then smile.

"Yow guys!!", someone shout. We all look and saw jungkook and lisa bringing some small woods for fire.

We all start our own businesses to get rest early because we are still gonna find taehyung and jennie.

We are in the middle of eating when someone again shouts.

"Oh my god you guys!! Finally!!!", we all look and saw jennie running towards us with taehyung behind her.

"Jennieeeee", i shouted and run to her.

"Unnieeeeee!!", Lisa and rosé both shouted in unison and run to jennie too.

While the boys start to walk near taehyung.

"You guys get off me you are all dirty, you miss me that much already??", jennie said.

Yes we are all dirty because of getting foods and woods on the forest.

"Yah don't say that we are so worried about you and Taehyung", i said then pout.

"Great timing! let's now all eat", jungkook said and we all nodded.

"Oh by the way what is that?" Lisa ask pointing something. I saw it was two suitcases.

"Uhm suitcase i guess the waves bring it to the shore, maybe it was ours", jennie explain.

"Really??", we all ask and they both nodded.

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